Chp.4. Stars

404 7 4

Bella's pov

After yesterday, I stayed at Sarah's house. Well that's an understatement, I spent the whole day there as well. Tonight I was due for a trip to the observatory. I had missed yesterdays visit because Sarah and I were running away from that creepy guy. I mean that was like super scary...

Walking to the observatory a cold breeze drifted past me. It smelled different, and not in a good way. I picked up my pace and started into a jog. The closer I got to the observatory the smell became stronger. I could now figure it out, smoke. Panicking I started into a sprint.

My worst fear had come true, my only safe space, my favourite place in the world, was on fire and burning down right in front of my eyes. I looked around, I was on higher ground, and started scaning faces of the employies, almost everyone was there. Almost. Jeff wasn't and I know for a fact he is here today. I rushed past the other employies, each realising what I was doing. But all failing.

Jeff was like a father to me, teaching me things, explaining how to make friends. He even made sure I ate. If he died I'd only have Sarah. But she's popular, with heaps of friends and going out every other night. She wasn't always around. So I needed to get him out.

Apon entering I coughed, many times. The smoke was thick. Covering my mouth I ventured further.

Any area I would've previously recognised was now just a mess of smoke and ashes. Plus flames were licking at my sides, threatening to scar me horribly. But right now, none of that mattered, at this very moment I need to find Jeff.

I tried remembering the turns, left, left, right, left, right. Nothing.

I heard coughing other than my own. It was deep and breathy.


I rushed towards the sound, and it wasn't long until I found the source.

Jeff was trapped under fallen rubble and due to his age, he didn't have the strength required to free himself. My eyes teared up at the sight. I had to get him out and fast.

I tried pulling the debris up. Nope. defiantly not working. Pushing?

The ruble shifted. Perfect.

Now to get him out...
















































































Ok imma make this a part 1. Stars part 1. I'll update for stars part 2 later, but for now I'm tired and need sleep. If you wanna read more stuff, go check out my other books. I updated heaps. So a bunch of new ones have come out. Go have fun and draw some fan art, I'll update the book the fan art is from. Ok? Ok.


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