💉+🖤=☁️ They're Gone~! Yandere! Denki x Suicidal! Reader

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I can't stress this enough. If you are contemplating or tried to attempt suicide, please talk to someone. Please get help, i love all of you and it would hurt me to know that you've tried wasting your life. Your lives are a gift and are amazing so please don't kill yourself. i love you lovelies <3!

requested by theanime_aries

(Your POV)

Here I was, standing in the roof. Their words, everyone's words hurt me. Each word was like a stab in the heart. Today was the day I end it. My pathetic and miserable life. My parents did nothing to help me and I knew deep down that no one in this school cared about me. Goodbye world. Goodbye UA High. Goodbye to my life.

(Denki's POV)

Where was she? I looked for Y/n everywhere. I asked Kirishima and he told me that she went to the roof. But what for? She hasn't been the same for the past few weeks. When I try to talk to her, she ignores me and walks away. Earlier today I asked her what was wrong, she started crying and ran away. What happened to her? Who hurt her?

(Your POV)

I stood on the edge of the school, about to jump and end my burdened life. I suddenly heard the roof door open. I turned around and saw Denki. Why was he here?

"What do you want?" I asked blandly.

"Why are you up here?! Were you about to...," Denki got the message of what I was about to do.

"Yes Denki. Now leave. It's not like you care about me anyway." After I said this Denki started to cry and ran towards me. He picked me up and took me off the ledge. He continued to sob and cry which in return I broke down.

"Don't kill your self please. Everyday I tried to talk to you but you ignored me. Please talk to me tell me what's wrong. It's torture not hearing your angelic voice." Denki sobbed.

"B-Bakugo and M-Mineta have said things about me. They've told me really mean things and it, it really hurt my feelings." I sobbed. After I told Denki this, he suddenly let go of me and ran off.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Oh, just to talk to Bakugo and Mineta. Nothing to worry about." But judging from that smile on his lips, I'm pretty sure he did more than just talk.

I walked home, starting to wonder why I tried to kill myself. Luckily my mom and dad were on vacation, so at least they didn't find out. When I opened my room door, I saw Denki sitting on my desk chair. He was covered in blood.

"Ah! How did you get in here?! Are you okay?! Why are you bleeding?!" I screeched.

"Oh y/n, this isn't my blood." Denki chuckled.

"Not your blood then," he cut me off and continued, "It's the blood of those who did you wrong. They deserved to die not you. I cant let anyone live if they want to hurt what's most precious to me."

"I-I-I," I couldn't say anything. He killed Bakugo and Mineta?! He then pulled me into a kiss, which was full of passion and love. "I love you."

"I-I love you too Denki. Now let's get you washed up before anyone finds out." I say.

dude im serious. do not try to kill yourselves. get help and talk to someone. i love y'all.


💕Word Count: 589

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