Phoenix Ash Duvalle (deceased)

40 4 5

Partner (if any): toomanyfandomsaaah

Sibling: Marina Grace Duvalle

Name: Phoenix

Nickname: Nixie

Type: Doubles

Domain: Element 1

Individual Power: Pyrokinesis

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance/Face Claim:

Clothing: Often wears denim, jeggings, and black heel boots with laces

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Clothing: Often wears denim, jeggings, and black heel boots with laces

Personality: Keeps to herself, close to only her sister, scared of her power, sometimes rude, realist, not a people person, doesn't talk a lot, when she does talk she's often sarcastic, closer to animals than people, people annoy her but being outdoors/in nature is where she's at most comfort

Backstory: Phoenix and Marina were born into a pretty normal family. Because of the people hunting twins and triplets, they hid Phoenix from existence. When they couldn't anymore they tried to pass the girls as a year apart. Later the family decided that the two should run away to try to find the city. The girls disguised themselves and made a number of different identities so they wouldn't be recognized as twins.

Likes: Nature, animals, being outdoors, her sister, chocolate,

Dislikes: Annoying people, talkative people, being cooped up inside

Strengths: Logical, practical, smart

Weaknesses: Doesn't listen to people, always thinks she's right

Weapons (if any): Pyrokinesis, but only uses it if she absolutely has to

Quote (optional):

Password (tag 5 people): she did it.

RPd by: BioluminesentFangirl


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