#4 Carsick

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A/N: Extreme vomit warning

You and Shawn were on the way back from his parents' place. Your four-year old son was asleep in the backseat. And you were not feeling well. No, that was an understatement.

"Shawn, pull over, please, I don't feel good," you said, swallowing, as a wave of nausea came over you.

Shawn looked over in concern, "Baby, I can't pull over here, I'll stop as soon as I can."

You nodded, closing your eyes.
A stronger urge to puke overcame you, "Fast, Shawn, I'm gonna puke. Soon."

Shawn drove faster but you were feeling extremely sick now.
"Shawn pull ov-" you pressed your lips tight, knowing that if you opened them, all the contents of your stomach would spew out. You were praying hard that you'd be able to hold out until you pulled over.  Unfortunately, the highway was too long. And with a horrible sound, everything you'd eaten spilled out through your mouth and onto the top you were wearing. Thankfully, nothing got on the car.

Shawn pulled to stop soon, and you jumped out immediately throwing up. Shawn got out as well, holding your hair out of the way  and rubbing your back. When you were finally done, you looked in dismay at the mess you'd made. Shawn saw your look.
"Hey, it's okay. You're sick. Don't be embarrassed," correctly guessing that you were mortified.
When you continued to look embarrassed, he lead you back to the car, making you sit down.
"Everybody gets sick, baby. It's okay. Here, I'll get you a change of clothes. We'll be home soon, and then you can rest."

Um, if this disgusted you, I apologize profusely. I did warn you though. And I wrote this because an anonymous someone requested this on Tumblr.

See ya,

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