a bit of chivalry.

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Lucy stepped into the frame, pulling the chair from the background toward the table. Link glanced at the playback screen, his brows raising as he quickly twisted in his seat to help her, even going so far as to push himself away from the table to stand, his lithe frame towering over her despite the heels she was wearing. 

"Here, watch yourself." Link swatted her hands away gently, pulling the chair snug beside his as he gestured for her to take a seat, a flush of red embracing her cheeks as she glanced at the crew behind the camera, some of their faces painted with a curious expression. 

"Uh, thanks, Link." She replied, throwing a smile in his direction as she sat down, letting him slide the chair underneath her before finally taking his own seat. Rhett sat in his usual seat, his brow quirked as he tried to hide the taunting smile that crossed his lips, 

"Wow, Link. Feeling chivalrous today, huh?" He remarked, his deep green eyes darting to Lucy's face, before turning back to Link. He adjust his glasses, brows raised as though he didn't know what he was talking about, 

"Uh, well I mean, I've always done that." He countered, adjusting his posture as though he was uncomfortable under the mans scrutiny. Rhett hummed curiously, before turning his attention toward the camera, the look in his eyes humorous as he shook his head. 

"Alright! Today we are going to be trying all different types of KitKats, and yes, there is more than just two flavors!" Rhett began, gesturing toward the large box of candy before them. 

Lucy was smiling as she adjusted her skirt over her thighs, her eyes stealing a quick glance at the man beside her. Much to her surprise, he was smiling, too. 


"Is it just me, or does it feel like Rhett is onto us?" She asked, her thighs encasing Link's hips as she sat snug against his lap. Her lithe fingers played with his hair, twirling the grey stands around her finger as her gaze dropped down to meet his. Link raised his brows at her question, his hands on her waist as his thumbs languidly rubbed circles underneath the fabric of her black top. 

"I haven't noticed. Do you feel like he's onto us?" He turned the question around, and she frowned in response, letting her fingers glide through the thick floof of his hair. 

"A little bit, especially today. You never pull the chair out for anyone, Link." She answered, a taunting lilt to her soft voice. Link chuckled softly, bouncing her lightly atop him. 

"Hey, my mamma raised me to be a proper southern gentleman, it's not my fault." Link replied, one of his hands sneaking up her back to gently press between her shoulders, pushing her torso lower. Lucy let out a soft giggle, following the motion to press her lips against his in a chaste kiss. 

"Would you still treat me like that if we were on a real date? Come to my door with flowers, open the car door for me?" She whispered against his lips, her breath rolling across his face with a tantalizing scent of mint. Link let his hand glide up to her neck, his long fingers gently threading through her hair as he let his head drop back against the sofa, a small, appreciative smile crossing his lips. Their eyes were locked, the warmth and pure affection that glowed in his cerulean gaze threw her off guard, 

"You can find out, if you want." He offered. She responded with a surprised quirk of her brows, sitting back against his legs while her hands found his broad chest. She hadn't expected that answer, to be honest. 

"Are you serious?" She asked, curiously. "What happened to the whole, 'no strings attached', deal?" Her hands rose to throw some air quotes, eyes searching his face as he let a broad smile pull on his lips. 

"Well, yeah. Why not? Let's be honest here, Lu. I don't know much about you, except the right way to touch you. Why can't I get to know you more?" He countered, adjusting himself to sit straight. 

Lucy was a little dumbstruck, as she hadn't realized he felt this way. It made her heart pick up just the slightest in her chest, the idea that Link would want something more than just her body. She, of course, wasn't complaining about the details of their relationship, but the prospect of sharing something a little more intimate than her physical form was daunting, as much as it was exciting. She smiled as she let her eyes draw over the angles of his face, the perfect cupid bow of his lip, his cute nose, to the gorgeous blue eyes that were framed with his infamous glasses. 

"Okay...I'd like that." She finally spoke up, reveling in the ecstatic grin that overtook his lips. Lucy mirrored his expression, leaning down to kiss him again while his arms wrapped around her narrow waist. 

"I guess this means we gotta wait until the third date, huh?" Link remarked, his words vibrating against her mouth. She quickly sat straight, her brows knit in disapproval. 

"Um, I don't think so, Neal." He laughed in response, his head thudding against the back of the sofa as he pulled her ever closer, 

"I already told you, I'm a gentleman." He joked. Lucy narrowed her eyes, her gaze dropping to the exposed skin of his neck. Without hesitation, she dipped her head down, biting him harshly as she felt his hand fly to the back of her head, gently grasping her hair. Her body shook with the residual laughter that rolled from his lips. 

"I real gentleman wouldn't keep a lady waiting." 

- well, here it is, my very first attempt at fluff. please, try not to cringe too hard.

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