School? Really?

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"WAKE UP TAY! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" my oh-so-annoying little sister Megan yelled at me. I pulled the covers farther over my head. "MOMMY SHE'S NOT WAKING UP!" Megan yelled. "Ugh I'm up!" I said and pushed her off the bed. She ran out of the room. Sometimes I hated her. She had it easy. I pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom. Once I brushed my teeth and did my makeup, I walked to my walk-in closet. I glanced at every outfit I had and decided on a aqua colored off the shoulder dress with a jean jacket, cowboy (or girl) boots and aqua earrings. Not bad. When I walked downstairs, my parents were eating breakfast.

"Hi honey! Don't you look stunning? Do you want something to eat?" my dad asked. "No." I said shortly and walked out of the house and towards my car. My relationship with my parents aren't the best at the moment. See my dad cheated on my mom. The only reason that they are still together is cause of Megan. They haven't exactly told her yet. Probably cause she's too young and she wouldn't understand. They hid it from me for almost a year though.

I turned up my radio to drown out my thoughts. "And now a special announcement from a celebrity to his fans." I wondered who it could be. "Hey guys! My name is Cameron Dallas and I just wanted to remind all of you that Magcon is coming and we have a special line-up! Hope to see all your beautiful faces there!" Great. Now one boy has managed to make his entire fan base scream with joy. I liked most of those vine boys except for the famous Jack and Jack and Sam Wilkinson. Only cause I go to school with them. Yep I live in Omaha and go to school with those airheads.

See when I moved to Omaha, Nebraska and started Westside High school middle of sophomore year, I was ecstatic to attend school with my (at the time) celebrity crushes. Till I met them. The Jacks were too consumed in themselves and being famous to care and Sam was like their side kick. Now I am a junior and absolutely despise them. I pulled into the school parking lot. Once I parked, I opened the door and grabbed my black backpack and walked into the school. Oh look speak of the devils themselves. The Jacks were walking down the hall with their always present girlfriends attached to their arms like leeches. The girls, Caroline Summers and Stacy Smith were as me and my best friend Maddie like to call the "bitches of Bitchland" They loved to make any girl's life a personal hell. Walking down the hall, everyone scattered except me. I'm not afraid of them. Soon the wall of people were standing in front of me.

"Move bitch." Stacy said. Caroline giggled. What an airhead. I imitated her giggle. "Not happening." I said back. "Move or I'll make you regret you have ever been born." She said back. "Go ahead. I already regret I have been born cause I go to school with you four losers. Actually five. Hey Jacks where's ur buddy?" By this time I had a group of students surrounding us. When I mentioned their name (s) their heads snapped up together. Damn it why are they so in sync?  "I don't know..." Gilinsky said. "Babe stop. I've got this bitch." Caroline said. He shrugged and looked back at his phone. "Wow! Is that a new trick? You two have finally had them brain washed!" I said. "Shut up." Caroline snapped. "Yeah! You wish you had boyfriends like them. But you know, you are never gonna get one! Wanna know why? Cause you are a ugly little slut. And according to a rumor, so is your whole family!" Stacy said. The crowd gasped. How could she know that? "What do you mean?"

"According to some people your daddy fucked some other women? Is that true?" I snapped. I grabbed her perfectly straightened blond hair and slapped her face. She winced and grabbed my arm and dug her nails into my skin. Caroline slapped me twice. Suddenly I got yanked back by two arms and I saw the bitchs get pulled back by their boyfriends. I looked up to see Sam Wilkinson holding me back.

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