Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Kara's Point Of View

I am so excited to get home and go to the deo to do more training. As Alex and I were walking home we seen some of Alex's friends who seen me stop a bullet. Alex and I both ignored them.

At home

Eliza:Kara, kal-el can't make it to training today
Kara:what. Why
Eliza:he has to stop criminals
Eliza:Alex I want you to stay here
Eliza:cause Kara needs to be focused on her training

At the deo

Deo agent:today we are gonna be paired up in teams. You need to learn each other's powers and find a way to defeat them. If you ever come across another alien you will know what to do

The deo agent was naming off our groups

Deo agent:Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, and Kara Danvers

I got with my group and all of them seemed to already know each other.

Kara:What type of aliens are you
Barry:we aren't aliens were meta-humans
Kara:you're what
Cisco:we are humans but we have powers
Kara:what can you do
Caitlin:Barry has speed. Cisco gets vibes of people and the future. And I have ice powers
Barry:what type of alien are you
Kara:I'm kryptonian
Cisco:like Superman
Kara:I'm his cousin
Barry:no your not
Kara:just wait, I'll show you proof
Deo agents: everyone go outside and practice

We went outside.

Kara:if I fall, someone catch me

I flew up and showed them I could fly. I started falling.

Barry:Cisco open a breach

Cisco opened a breach and I fell down into it. The breach opened above him. He caught me and put me down.

Barry:that proves nothing
Kara:I can tell you his real name
Cisco:Yes please
Barry:and what is your name
Kara:Kara Zor-el

Then kal flys in.

Kar:KAL. Your back
Kal:what are you guys doing today
Kara:group training. This is Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco.
Barry:no way
Cisco:you weren't lying
Caitlin:you're Superman's real cousin
Kal:lets get to training. Caitlin what can you do

Caitlin shows him her ice powers.

Kal:Do you know what all you can do with them
Caitlin:I can't do much. Only force ice out of my hands
Kal:okay Cisco, what can you do

Cisco opens a breach and jumps in.  He ends out on the other side of kal.

Cisco:and I can vibe people
Kal:what do you mean
Cisco:if I touch something of theirs I will know where they are at or what they are doing
Kal:okay and Barry

Barry speeds around us

Kal:very fast. Tomorrow we will begin training. I have a bigger field we can go to in metropolis.

At home

Kara:mom I met people today
Eliza:really you did
Kara:yeah, Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin
Eliza:are they nice
Kara:yeah. And they have powers like me
Eliza:that's nice. Your sister is upstairs. Go get ready for bed

I go get ready for bed and go up to Alex and i's room.

Kara:hey Alex
Alex:Kara. Did you have fun
Kara:yeah I met some meta humans
Alex:that's cool
Kara:yeah. One saved my life today
Alex:ooh does Kara have a crush
Kara:no- no I don't. He just wanted to see my powers.
Alex:what's his name
Kara:Alex I don't like him
Alex:fine. But seriously who did you meet
Kara:Caitlin snow, Barry Allen, and Cisco Ramon
Alex:which one saved you
Alex:did kal show up
Kara:yeah, we are gonna start training tomorrow
Alex:that's good
Kara:yeah it's group training
Alex:do your stick with Cisco

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