Hidden Truths

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Summary: requested by anon- yooo what about one where Bucky hides his past with Natasha from you but you find out and get mad (angst)

Summary: requested by anon- yooo what about one where Bucky hides his past with Natasha from you but you find out and get mad (angst)

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You were sitting at the kitchen table with Nat and Wanda. You were having breakfast together after waking up later than everyone from a previous mission. You got on well with them and loved having chats just you and the girls now and then.

Wanda had just finished talking about her and Vision when she wiggled her eyebrows at you, "moving on to another hot couple in the compound...".

You smile and look down at your toast, a blush rising at her words. You and Bucky had only been dating for about a month, but everyone loved telling you and Bucky that you were both pining after each other for so long that we should have gotten together sooner.

Wanda carries on, "how is it going?".

You look up at the two of them and try not to turn into a giggling girl, "it's going great, more than great".

Nat smirks, "so, have you guys done the deed yet?".

You blush harder as Wanda exclaims, "Nat!!".

Nat just shrugs, but its not long before Wanda asks, "have you? Guys done it?".

Your mouth opens in surprise at Wanda, but you nod ever so slightly. The girls' smirk at you and Nat is the next one to speak, "he's good, isn't he?".

You laugh and nod until you register what she just said, "wait what?".

She smirks, "he's good in bed, although I did have to teach him a few things. No need to thank me", she winks, misreading the situation.

You shake your head, "what do you mean? I don't understand".

You see it dawn on her face, "ah, he didn't tell you".

You feel your stomach twist, "tell me what?". You were fairly certain you knew, but you wanted to hear her say it.

She sighs, "we had a thing, a very long time ago. It wasn't anything special, nothing like you and him".

You get up from the table without a word. You hear them say your name a few times, but you ignore them. A stab of anger and jealousy sit in the pit of your stomach. You liked Bucky, maybe even loved him after all this time, but you couldn't quite believe he never told you.

You made it to the room you share with him and hear the shower running. You decide to wait for him and sit on the end of the bed. Its not long before you hear the water stop and your heart picks up its pace.

When he emerges from the bathroom, a towel hanging low on his hips, you swallow hard. He smiles at you, but you're watch a droplet make its way down his chest, not trusting yourself to see his face. He speaks unaware of the tension in the room, "hey Doll, you should have joined me in the shower".

He flashes you a cheeky grin, but you shake your head at it. You weren't sure what to say to him. Your thoughts couldn't make sense of him and Nat together. You see his face shift to concern, he takes a step closer to you but you hold a hand up. You don't want him to come closer.

His concern mixes with confusion, "what's wrong Y/N?".

You finally meet his gaze, "why didn't you tell me?".

You see panic on his face, but he's unsure, "tell you what?".

You keep your gaze on him, "about you and Nat".

You think you see surprise in his eyes, but can't be sure, "I don't know what you mean-".

"Don't bullshit me Bucky. Why didn't you tell me?", your voice rises in anger at him trying to pretend he doesn't know. He takes another step closer, but you stand this time, holding your hand up again.

He sighs, "how did you find out?".

"why the hell does that matter? Why didn't you tell me?", you feel sick. Images of him and her flashing in your mind.

He shakes his head, "I didn't think it was relevant-".

Anger rises again as you cut him off, "didn't think it was relevant?! Bucky, I work with her, she's my friend, our family. I see her everyday and you didn't think it was relevant?!".

His voice rises too, "I didn't think it was relevant because it didn't mean anything to me, nor to Nat. It was mostly about sex, it was something that happened out of convenience".

You lower your voice, "so, you weren't ever gonna tell me? That you slept together?".

He studies your face, weighing up his answer, "no, but only because I didn't think it was relevant, not to deceive you or-".

You shake your head, trying to hold back some of the anger, "and who are you to decide what's relevant Bucky? You didn't tell me, and you weren't ever going to. How do I know you're not lying about anything else?".

You can see the anger and frustration bloom across his features, "I don't know why you're giving me the third degree! Its not like you've told me about everyone you've ever slept with!".

You narrow your eyes at him and let your anger out, voice almost shouting, "yeah, because you're not working with any of them! You're not friends with the people I've slept with and I'm not friends with them either!".

Your chest is heaving slightly, and silence fills the room. You can see Bucky watching you as you stare at the floor. His voice goes soft, "come on Doll, this is ridiculous. You know I'm crazy about you and I know you're crazy about me". He walks over slowly until he's pulling you into his chest.

You hug him back, your cheek against his now dry skin and you breathe in the scent of him. You've always loved the safety he radiates, but then an image of him and Nat together plagues your mind. You push your hands against his chest until he lets go and you walk away to create some distance.

When you're far enough away you speak, voice unsure, "I am crazy about you Buck, which is what makes this so much harder", you see pain flash across his face, "I can't look at you now without seeing her. I feel like you're different somehow". Bucky tries to speak, moving forward, but you move back until you get to the door.

You open it, "I can't do this right now. I'm gonna stay in my old room". You walk out the door and down the hall, your heart squeezes so hard that your chest hurts. You can hear him call softly, "Doll...", but you keep walking. You wait until you're in your old room before you let tears fall.

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