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"This moment feels like an echo
We've done this dance a thousand times
You say that I need a refill
And twist me up til we blur the lines..."

Jack [jak]; A fifteen-year-old who knows a lot of people, but nobody knows him.

"With nights like these, who needs the days?
I'll shut my eyes and sleep them away
I'm on the dark side of your room
With the notches on your bedpost
With friends like you, who needs friends?
I shut my mouth and we do it all again
I'm on the dark side of your room
With the notches on your bedpost
With the notches on your..."

Alex [al-iks]; A young fifteen-year-old boy. Fascinated by any world but his own. 

"You don't know what you do to me..."

THE DARK SIDE OF YOUR ROOM | JALEXWhere stories live. Discover now