1. Ash (sweet)

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For Megan. She motivated me to start this book.


"Damn you bitch, no one likes you,"

"Kill yourself already you ugly hoe!"

"No one likes you! You are a fuck up!"

These things are normal for you to hear. Ever since you had become friends with Ash, lots of people developed a burning hatred for you. You didn't do anything wrong, people just didn't like the fact that the hot guy that came to school in freshman year became you're friend. Girls were jealous that he was always with you and guys were jealous that the girls wanted him.

You closed your locker door wondering where Ashton was. You guys usually walk to his place after your last classes, but he wasn't at your locker. You always met there.

Instead you hear queen bitch of the school snarl your name.


"What is it now Veronica?" I hated her. She gave me the most hell. And she is beautiful so everyone sees past her demon personality.

"I don't why Ashton waists his time with you. Gosh! You are so pathetic. You are ugly, and short and I hope Ashton cones to his senses soon. You are a worthless piece of shit. And give it up honey, we all know you are in love with Ashy, but he could never love someone like you. Especially when I am available."

Sadly Veronica is right. She has gorgeous honey colored hair that was mid-way down her back. My brown hair just fell at my shoulders. Her legs are long and toned. I am short with thighs that actually touch. Her eyes are a crystal blue that all girls want to have. Mine are plain green. And I do have feelings for Ashton. I have for a long time. I could say I love him without thinking twice about it.

"Well I am for sure not waiting my time. Megan is beautiful and I would much rather be with her than you. You are so fake Veronica! Megs is perfect to me. And I would be extremely lucky to have her be in love with me. Because I sure as hell would love her back with everything I have. And who cares that she is short. At least she isn't taller than a man. No offence- I take that back.. With much offense, you look stupid in heels that are 6 inches tall. No one wants a girl taller than they are. So fuck off Veronica!"

I was taken aback to hear Ashton say those things. I didn't even know he had heard the conversation. Ashton never knew the things people say to me, but I didn't want him to realize they were all right.

Apparently Veronica wasn't expecting that either.

"I-I uhh.. We were just playing around right Megs? I mean.. I uhh.."

"Save it. If you or any of your friends ever say another thing to to Megan, I will make sure you won't even be able to open your mouth to speak after that. Got it?" His tone was icy. If I had been on the receiving end of that, I would have been scared shitless.

"Y-Yes! I'm so s-sorry Megan. R-really!"

With that Ash grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school.

As soon as we reached his place he led you to the couch a d motioned for you to sit.

"How long?" he asked quietly.


"How long have they been saying those awful things?"

"It really doesn't matter," you spoke softly.

"How long Megan?" his voice was firm and you knew he wanted answers. And Ash could always get answers out of you. He was your best friend.

"Since a little after you first came to our school.."

"Since freshman year?!! Megan we are SENIORS now! Why didn't you tell me?"

I knew I should have told him, but I was scared he would believe the people who said all those things. And I was in love with him.

"I just, I don't know. I was afraid that you would believe them and o couldn't lose you Ashton. I just couldn't. " Tears were threatening my eyes at this point.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I would love you with everything I have. I really do love you. You are beautiful and no one can tell you other wise," he whispered.

I looked in his eyes and he was serious. This was 100% Ashton. He was genuine and I was at a loss for words. I gazed back into his beautiful eyes and knew I had Ashton.

"I love you too." I whispered right before I softly brought my lips to his.


Thats it! Hope you like it Megan. Let's get this 2 votes guys.

Xoxo ~Caro

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