Chapter 15 - Another Sleep on Another Plane Journey

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‘I would love to be his girlfriend. But if the only way I can be around him is by being his best friend, I'll settle for that. We act like a couple, but I don't get why aren't we together yet. I'd rather be your friend forever, than your ex in the future. But being friends with you means that I love you in a different way. We may not be together but it feels like we are. Every time I see you my heart skips a beat and even though I know it’s love, I can’t act on it knowing that someone will end up getting hurt. But people say I’m too young to be in love but I’m not. Look at Romeo and Juliet, Romeo was 16 and Juliet was 13 when they fell in love. But then again, come to think of it, it only lasted three days and six people died. Shakespeare was a big fan of drama and tragedy, wasn’t he?! Let’s just hope life doesn’t imitate art!’

‘Wait what was the question?’ I asked trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. ‘Would you rather date Max or date me?’ he repeated. ‘Think about this wisely now Maisie. You don’t want to hurt his feelings by saying Max but you don’t want to give him the wrong impression by picking him’ I thought to myself. ‘I’d date neither of you. You’re like my best friends. I only know you guys a few days but it feels like I’ve known you a life time. I watch the five of you acting like monkeys on stage and sometimes off it too but when I see you with Jamie you guys just change. You go from being these masculine people to soft, caring people, especially you, but I suppose it is understand with you seeing as though sloth’s are gentle, caring creatures’ I teased. ‘Thanks’ he sulked and turned to face the window of the plane beside him. ‘Oh Nathan, I didn’t mean to make you cry’ I whispered moving Jamie’s baby seat to sit next to him. I began rubbing his upper arm softly. He began crying softly but his soft whimpers soon became loud sobs. ‘I’m not a sloth!’ he whined. ‘Oh shit, oh shit’ I mumbled waving and greeting the people who started to look at us as they found their seats on the plane. ‘Nathan, please I’m sorry we can talk about this and you can get your revenge on me’ I whispered. ‘Hehe’ he mumbled turning to face me with a huge grin on his face. ‘Got ya!’ he teased pointing at me quickly. ‘You little fu-‘ I mumbled before being cut off.

‘Hey sorry to interrupt but are you Nathan Sykes from The Wanted?’ a teenager with a strong British accent around the age of 15 asked. ‘Yeah babe I am! What could I do you for?’ he asked sweetly with a smile. ‘Could you sign this for me?’ she enquired shyly handing over their latest album Battleground. ‘Sure’ he smiled before signing a long message on the inside cover. ‘What’s your name sweetheart?’ he asked. ‘Abigail’ escaped quietly from her mouth before he focussed on the album.

‘Dear Abigail,

I can’t begin to thank you for not only buying the album, but also for being a fan. Without you, I wouldn’t be here today, doing what I love every day and I’m sure I can vow for the rest of the boys when I say that. Seeing you today has made my day, knowing that I’ve made you happy by just writing this quick message. Before I go, I want to say, continue being yourself because if people don’t love you for being you, then they’re not worthy of your presence.

Lots of love always, Nathan xx’

The tears fell from my eyes silently. It wasn’t that I was upset, but happy for Abigail. I know what it’s like to be a girl, chasing down your idol for so much as a little autograph, yet when you get it, it can make your day, your life even! I did it with Aaron Carter and Britney. ‘How about I take a picture of you two, hey?!’ I offered wiping the tears, displaying a smile. She handed me her phone as we switched places. I stood in the aisle, in the way of a few passengers, but I didn’t care once she was happy. ‘Thank you, thank you’ she repeated close to tears. ‘You’re welcome my dear, hope to meet you again.’ He smiled. ‘Wait, are you going to Sydney?’ he asked. ‘Yeah’ she stuttered. ‘Would you like some tickets to our gig?’ he enquired. ‘OMG yes!’ she fangirled as she watched him take the tickets from his back pocket. ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you’ she squealed before running off.  ‘You’re really good with the fans’ I admitted after she had left. ‘It’s the least I could do. They spend hundreds, sometimes thousands coming to see us and that doesn’t even include the price they pay for merchandise, so I have to find some way to thank them. Seeing them so happy after giving them so little is very rewarding. It’s the best bit of the job.’ He displayed the smile that’s he’s been famous for, for two years now. ‘You’re so sweet’ I whispered. I returned to my aisle seat before strapping Jamie carefully into her seat. It killed me watching her cry in pain especially since it was all my fault that her medicine was in my suitcase which was almost in Australia by then. ‘Sshh Jamie, we’ll be there soon baby girl’ I whispered.

‘You’re a great mother Mais’ he whispered as I closed my eyes. All of a sudden I felt tired and drowsy. Maybe it was all the travelling and crying that was doing it to me. ‘Thank you’ I mumbled as my eyelids drooped to my dismay. I began to shiver a little in my seat but I soon felt the rough fabric of Nathan’s leather jacket cover me. ‘Thank you’ I mumbled again. From that point on my memory is blank, apart from the fact that I was awoken by Jamie’s crying but she was soothed by Nathan. He was like my saviour.

‘Maisie, we’re here’ Nathan murmured as we shook me gently. I slowly opened my eyes as I gazed adoringly up at the perfect human being that was Nathan Sykes. I was starting to feel different about the whole Nathan situation. Seeing him with his fans made me think that he would do anything for a fan, never mind a girlfriend. He treats his fans like princesses and princes, so I’d presume he’d treat his girlfriend like a queen. I should be down on my knees begging him to be my boyfriend, but I’ve been too stupid to realise it.

We over took the other passengers while they were collecting their bags, before heading outside to find the taxi ordered by Big Kev. As we patiently waited Nathan informed me of the instructions. ‘Kev just text and said that I have two hours to get changed and ready for the gig so he said I should probably go back to the hotel and check in first.’ He sighed. I nodded in acknowledgement. ‘Here’s the cab’ he sighed again opening the door for me.

Australia was beautiful. The sun was splitting the rocks, not a cloud in the sky, what else could you ask for? What’s the plan for tomorrow?’ I asked staring out the window. ‘We have a radio interview with ZM and then I think Max wants to go shark diving’ he shrugged. ‘Cool’ I smiled. We soon pulled up outside the hotel after minutes of silence. I was too distracted by the wonderful sights to talk to him. My daydream was interrupted by Nathan lifting me bridal style out of the car onto the pavement before taking Jamie into his arms. Being the pure gentleman he is, he opened the hotel door for me before handing me the baby to check in. ‘The room should be under Kevin Meyers’ he informed her. ‘A room with a double bed and balcony’ she told him handing him the keys. ‘Room 422, up the stairs or elevator to the fourth floor, then it’s the last door on the corridor to your left’ she explained. ‘Wait, is there only one bed?’ he asked. ‘Yeah a double bed’ she answered. ‘Is that a problem?’ she asked. ‘No not at all’ he whispered. ‘Apart from the fact that she has a baby’ he added. ‘Oh that’s okay, we’ll send a cot up to your room Mr. Meyers’ she smiled. ‘It’s Mr. Sykes actually’ he corrected. ‘Okay Mr. Sykes, we’ll send that up straight away’ she replied with a wink. ‘Looks like we’re going to have to share’ he whispered right in my ear as he wrapped his muscly arms around my waist. Maybe this could be my chance.


Sorry! This wasn't my best chapter so far but it was a little longer than my last few, so I apologise for that! Anyway I can't believe I'm already on chapter 15 and I haven't even gotten into the big storylines yet and I have 11 storylines planned for this! :) Good times ahead! Okay, I want to apologise in advance for the fact that I may not update for another 4 days! I'm really busy! I have a full day of school tomorrow unlike today and then I have a match to go to. On Friday more school and I have to do homework (I get lots at the weekend) but I should get to start the chapter but it takes me too long to write them to have time to finish them! Saturday I have another match, and I'm going shopping and then I'm going to a sleepover which brings me to Sunday which is when I plan to update! Sorry about giving you my life story there, it's just I don't want to disappoint you when I don't update! Can I get 4 votes before Sunday?!

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