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"Caroline, you want any breakfast sweetheart? I made some pancakes," her mother's voice echoes from outside the room. She opens the door, slightly concerned still.

Caroline came home last night around midnight and simply sobbed to her. All she wanted was her mom to hold her and tell her it would be okay, and so that's exactly what Liz did.

"M' not hungry," she mutters, pulling the covers over her shoulders.

Liz frowns, taking a seat on her bed and gently rubbing her daughter's back. It pains her to see her this way. She can't even blame Klaus, that's the worst part. It's not his fault. It was Caroline's choice and if she wanted to do this then so be it.

"That's okay. Do you want me to run you a bath?" Liz asks, pushing back a strand of hair from her face.

Caroline shakes her head, just wanting to sleep. It's nearing twelve in the afternoon, but she doesn't care. She can't see him. Not now, not ever. Especially not today.

Today is the day he leaves.

"I took off work today, honey. I'll be here all day if you need anything, okay?" Liz informs the blonde, sighing when she doesn't get a response. She feels hopeless in helping her child. It breaks her, it really does.

"Mom?" Caroline asks when she is about to exit.

She immediately turns around to face her at the sound of her voice. "Yes?"

"Do you think I did the right thing?" Caroline cries.

Liz frowns, rushing over and hugging Caroline. "I think you did what you thought was best, and that's all I could ever ask of you. I know you think he is all you have, but you'll see. There's so much more to life than boys, sweetie. He won't be the only one, I can promise you that. You will move on eventually and look back and smile."

Caroline cries more. She doesn't want to look back. She doesn't want to move on. She wants him to be her only one. She wants him. She wants Klaus.

"I love him, mom," she sobs into the blanket.

Liz's heart breaks. "I know, honey. I know. He loves you too."

"Why does life have to do this? Why does it have to take him away from me when things are finally getting good?" Caroline rambles.

"I don't know, sweetie. I just don't know."

Caroline sighs, "I don't want him to go, mom. I want him to drop out of school. I want him to tell me he'll stay for me. I want him to choose me. But I can't ask him to do that. I can't take away his dream for me. I can't be selfish with him anymore."

Liz sits up, listening to her daughter's distraught words drip from her mouth. "Why don't you see him, then?"

Caroline eyes her like she's mad, "mom, I broke his heart last night. You should have seen him. He was a mess. He was crying and yelling- he wasn't himself. I can't go see him like it wasn't all my fault."

"It's not your fault, sweetheart. He knows that. You know that," she comforts her.

Caroline shakes her head, "I can't see him."

"Caroline, can I tell you something?"

"Sure," she nods, wiping away her tears.

Liz takes in a shaky breath before speaking. "You wanna know what my worst regret is?" she asks, and continues when Caroline waits for her to go on. "It was not saying goodbye to your father before he passed."

Caroline frowns, "I thought you were with him when he went?"

Liz smiles, "oh I was. I sat by his bed and let him ramble on about how I should live a happy life and whatnot- he was quite the talker, let me tell you."

Caroline laughs at this, smiling at the memory of her dad.

"What I regret though, is the fact I never told him my true feelings. I never said I loved him or that he was my entire world. I never told him how much I would miss him or how I would never stop loving him," she stops, seeing Caroline's eyes welling up with tears. She rests a hand on her shoulder. "What I'm trying to say is that you should go tell him goodbye. I know it may be hard, but if this is the last time you truly see him, he needs to know how you feel."

Caroline lets her mother's words sink in, looking at the clock beside her.

"He's supposed to leave in two hours," she sighs at the thought.

"Just enough time to put in some dry shampoo, freshen up, and tell that boy how much you love him," Liz giggles cheerfully, making Caroline roll her eyes with a small smile as she ushers her out of bed.

• • •

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Best Friend's Brother (Book 2) // Klaroline High School AU (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now