Chapter 8. Drunk.

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I do not remember much of when I was... drunk but I do remember an extremely embarrassing moment and Robin filled me in on the rest unfortunately.


Charles and Robin were mostly keeping me sturdy by flicking water in my face and keeping me away from the fire and weapons.

"I never should of doubted you, Charles." I hiccuped.

"Yea-... doubted me on what?" Charles asked.

"I-" hiccuped, "don't know." I groaned, holding my head.

I remember bumping into someone behind me.

"Oh exxxxcuse me." I turned around.

"Oh damn. Pardon me, tu hermoso chico." I said, after looking the man over.

"Didn't know you spoke spanish, Anika." The man replied.

At the time I didn't fully know who he was cause the alcohol but later, this morning actually, I found out it was Javier.

"I speak it occasionally." I said, tracing a circle on his chest.

"Okay too much for you." Strong arms pulled me back a little.

"No, no, let her continue. This is amusing." Javier said, softly grabbing my arm.

"Amusing yes but she'll go too far." Charles replied.

"Too far? There is never 'too far' with a beautiful chica like this one." Javier let go of me as did Charles.

While they were mildly arguing, Robin said I stumbled around camp talking in another language and bumped right into Sean the man they saved. What happened next I had no control over.

"Aye, carful lass. You might've drank o'bit much?" He said.

"Noooo. You... sound fun though." I had managed to slur.

"I am fun. W-wi-with me girl though not... Robin can you get this lass?" He said.

"Why?! I'm not Anika's Mama- ANIKA!" Robin screamed.

I had managed to.... into somebody's arms. And almost.... kiss them. Drunkenly.


I groaned from the memory.
Arthur had told me it was okay that I did that but Robin wasn't so forgiving. Javier and Charles are now mildly angry at each other and now I have a huge headache.

"It wasn't that bad." Charles tried to console me.

"Yes it was! I was calling Javier, hermoso, and trying to kiss Mr. Morgan and-and...." I held my head and groaned.

"Oh then yeah it was that bad. But don't worry. Everybody has embarrassed themselves when they were drunk." He said.

"Like who?" I sighed.

"Arthur and Lenny. That was bad. Uncle's always drunk and doing something stupid. Bill's just a fool." Charles said.
I chuckled a bit.

"Thank you, Charles." I say softly.

"Anytime, Anika." He said.


The whole day everybody poked fun at me.
Even Abigail asked me how it felt to be in Javier's and Charles' arms at the same time.
It felt very nice.

"Miss Anika, I have something to talk to you about." A firm voice boomed behind me.

I squeaked and turned around, knowing it was Dutch.

"Your little brother, Lee, had stolen some food. I don't know if you realize we can barely feed ourselves without him stealing." Dutch said, firmly.

"S-s-s-sorry!" I shivered.

Dutch looked at me and then shook his head and walked away.
I almost fainted right then and there. I held where my heart normally is and slowly slid on the ground.

"Hey are-"

"Dutch is scary." I interrupted whoever was talking to me.

They helped me up with strong arms (must be Charles, Anika, you dumbass).

I came face to face with Charles.

"Yeah but he's not so bad once you're used to him." Charles said.
I still held his hands as I continued to talk about what he said.

"Lee never tells anybody when he's hungry because he's shy." I look down.

"Let's go find him and I bet he didn't even eat all the food." Charles says.

I nod.

Holding his hand felt nice. Like a comfort even.

Remember when Javier and Charles were in the bar and with those two women 😂😂 and when they left Charles was trying to keep holding her hand lmao I fuckin love that scene. Its when you fight that huge ass dude, Tommy.

Fact about Anika:

She's innocent af. Like more innocent than a 2 year old.

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