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-So I dedicate this chapter to darling_roadie thank you for being the queen that you are x
-this was also suppose to just be 3k words but it ended up being 4.3k words and I apologize for the length...but please enjoy!x

"Okay, so tell me everything," Andy exclaims walking through my door. He kicks his shoes off before heading to my bedroom. I follow closely behind him and watch as he sets his overnight bag on the floor and falls on my bed. He rolls on his stomach before looking up at me, his blue eyes shining with curiosity. "Well, go on," he smiles.

I have only just got dropped off by Harper thirty minutes ago and the incident that happened this morning is still very fresh in my mind. Hell, the entire interaction with Harper is still fresh in my mind. I blush just thinking about it. How he acted, how he talked to me. Everything seems to have this never ending effect on me. That, however, is something I am going to keep between Harper and I. "It went well, dinner and then we went to bed, nothing extraordinary."

Andy pouts at my answer, "oh c'mon Brook, there had to be something that happened. People just don't spend the night at other people's places after the first date unless it is to fuck. And according to you, that didn't happen."

"He was just looking out for me," I shrug before walking into my closet, "now help me pick out an outfit."

Andy seems to drop the subject of Harper the second I told him he could dress me. He loves to talk, but his favorite things to talk about are sex, drama, and fashion. Fashion, however, trumps the other two topics. Andy loves style and clothes to the point that the only things above them are his mother and Rye. I sit back and watch as Andy pulls out multiple items from my closet and his bag organizing everything on my bed.

He puts on some music and turns to me, "alright strip."


He rolls his eyes, "you have to try on everything. There is no use to a shirt that you think you might like if you find out it doesn't fit you."

He hands me a pair of jeans and a top before pushing me into the bathroom. After trying on multiple things, I hear my phone buzz from my bedside table. I go to grab it, but Andy gets to it first. "Ooh, a text from Harper."

My eyes widen, "Andy, give me my phone."

"Nah," he goes to unlock it, "'dress nice tonight baby boy, I cannot wait to see you again.'," he reads aloud before looking up at me. I immediately felt my cheeks warm up before I snatch my phone from his hands. Locking it, I set it on the bathroom counter. Why the fuck did I ever give him my password? It goes silent for a second or so before Andy opens his mouth, "can I just say-"

"I would rather you not," I interrupt not knowing what he was actually going to say, but not wanting to find out either.

He sighs, "just hear me out Brook, yeah?" I ignore him and pull off my shirt to put another one on. There was no use in answering him anyway, Andy was going to voice his opinion no matter what I said. "Two things. One, the date that was 'nothing extraordinary' had to be something because apparently he is seeing you again, tonight." I look at him through the bathroom mirror to explain myself, but he held up a finger to stop me. "Two, 'baby boy'? What the fuck kind of word play, sex kink, pet name is that?"

"Okay now hold up," I frown feeling a little offended, "I have literally heard you call Rye 'daddy' before, in the back seat of my car, while we were on the way to his mother's birthday party."

Andy shakes his head, "Brook, Rye and I have been together five years. You have known Harper for five minutes. There is a difference. You are comfortable with all of this yeah? I don't want you to force yourself into something you don't want."

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