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I stood up and grabbed the gun off the bloodied up floor. Fuck, my blood for once. I pointed it at the second masked intruder and spit more blood onto the floor. "So that's how we're gonna play?" I tilted my head to the side and charged towards him. I made sure to stand a distance away to where he couldn't push the gun from him. "Now, we're going to make this very easy on you two, either you take the masks off now, or after we kill you." I clicked my tongue to the roof of my mouth and mocked them with a fake pout-y face. I glanced over at Alaina, twisting the knife in a small circle on the man's adams apple.

"We're waiting." She spoke up to my victim. I heard a sigh as I watched his hand reach up, almost as if in slow motion, and tug at the ghost mask placed over his face. It pulled off almost like a shoe and fell to the floor. I looked up to the face that was once concealed and lowered the gun next to me. "Stu?" I gasped, confused. "What the fuck?" I looked to Alaina and watched as she quickly tore the mask off the man below her revealing Billy and she sighed.

"Billy? Why are you doing this to us?" She asked, frustrated, still holding the knife against him.

"Well, technically it was supposed to just be to you," Stu began.

"Shut up." She snapped at him.

"Because the other night when you attacked Tyler," Billy tried to explain.

"Seriously? You're the one who killed Tyler?" I popped my hip, annoyed at her ignorance. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Stu was already in the process of doing so and you compromised our plan. It would have been fine, if Stu would have shut the fuck up and not let you hear his voice. We wouldn't be in this situation if you wouldn't have heard him." Billy explained and I could see her slowly lower the knife, already forgiving the pretty boy.

"Okay, no, hell no. They're trying to fucking kill us, A, don't give in just because you two have some weird flirtation going on!" I shouted at her but she just lifted a certain finger at me and stared at him, climbing off and helping him up to his feet. I lifted the gun up at him but felt two arms wrap around my neck, and a hand place itself on my wrist. Fuck.

"Not so fast, M." Stu whispered in my ear and I bit my cheek, angrily. I had been so preoccupied with Billy and Alaina, that I hadn't noticed Stu closing in on me.

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