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Morning came around, and I nudged Stu awake. Billy got released late last night and now we all had to face school.
We stood at the lockers, grabbing some of our books when Sid approached us. "Hey guys." She said, sounding nervous.

"Hey, Sid." I greeted, turning from Stu and to her.

"So, is Billy like, really mad?" She asked Stu.

"What? Now that you've branded him the Candyman? No, his hearts just broken." Stu told her as I leaned against him, intertwining my hand with his.

"Right." She looked down, ashamed of herself.

"He'll get over it." I told her, I mean he had to, since he had plans. She nodded, upset with herself, and leaned against the locker. A moment later, my thoughts were interupted by two students dressed as ghostface, screaming down the hall. Stu began laughing and sticking his tongue out. I rolled my eyes, nudging him because Sid was clearly more upset.

"I'll catch you guys later." She crossed her arms and walked off, looking as though she were going to cry. I turned to Stu.

"Really? Laughing in front of her?" I scolded him.

"It was funny." He shrugged.

"I mean, yeah, but we gotta play it cool, man." I grabbed his hand as we walked down the hall. I noticed Billy and Sidney talking around the corner as the bell rang, with Alaina lingering nearby.
The two of us walked into class and found ourselves seats. Tatum was glaring harshly from a few seats over. I turned around, to Stu at the desk behind me, who was distracted talking to some kid, and grabbed his collar, pulling his lips to mine.

"What was that for?" He asked, pulling apart, staring down at my mouth.

"For entertainment." I bit his lip now, and then licked the tip of his nose, playfully.

"That's my little pot stirrer." He smirked at me. I heard Tatum groan in jealousy.

"Slut." She muttered under her breath. I turned to her, and rested my chin on my hands.

"Talking to yourself again, Tate?" I mocked. I watched her eyes roll to the back of her head as she returned her attention elsewhere.

"Alright, class, I hope you all have your presentations prepared." Our teacher began. "We'll start with Miss Fields." People directed their attention to me as I shrunk in my chair. I reached down into my backpack and pulled out my notecards, then walked up to the podium in front of class. Tatum glared at me as I cleared my throat.

"Right, so for my presentation on historical figures, I present Elizabeth Bathory. Also known as The Blood Countess." I informed. "Elizabeth was a Hungarian noblewoman in the late 1500s." I now focused my eyes on Tatum entirely, with a smirk and evil glimmering in my eyes. "She was known for killing between 80 and 650 people according to witnesses from her trial. She believed bathing in young female virgin blood would cause her to be eternally youthful." I looked back down at my cards, pretending as if I didnt know anything about her, to try to ease suspicion since I had written this report, before the ghostface killings and I wasn't trying to redo my whole presentation. "Some other methods of torture included stripping them of their clothes, pouring water over them, throwing them out into the winter; cutting the webbing in between their fingers; the iron maiden and more. She also had the help of her husband, whom she learned some of his favorite torture methods as well." I glanced over at Stu who was impressed with me at this point. "Elizabeth was tried and found guilty in January of 1611 and sentenced to live the remainder of her days in a castle room where she then died in August 1614. I chose to do this report on her because even with the heinous and unforgiveable crimes she commited, her desire to be young really drove her to insanity. And I admire her persistance of doing what ever she could to get what she wanted." I ended. The class just stared at me, at least the ones who had been paying attention, and my teacher just had a blank expression upon her face, and I realized I probably looked a little demented. "But she was terrible!" I added, to try and alleviate the mess I may have just made. "I mean, to brutally murder these people, it was awful and she got what she deserved."

"Right. Thank you for that, uh, gruesome imagery." My teacher looked slightly concerned as I took my seat. "Mr Jackson, would you please be next?"

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