chapter twenty one

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Kai walked at the park again. Alone. Taking some air of the night breeze. Finally he got his place inside Dongwoo's heart. Now, he just needed to show some efforts that showed that he was really in love with Dongwoo deeply. He sat at his usual place again. Watching the sky. Dark blue painted the sky. The light pollution was around there caused the stars were nowhere to see anymore. But it was okay since they got light on.

Kai was waiting again. For that particular person. The same person as he ever waited to come. He wanted to tell him the happy news. Not a sad one like he always did. But this one was just a plain happiness and hope.

How happy he was? How happy he was right now? With the one the he confidently felt that was a true love. Even he knew that was not the truth at all.


Kyungsoo took a walk. In the park like he always did in the old days. But this time it was just because he missed the night breezes so much. And because he missed this certain someone.

He didn't want to meet him again but there he also got an urge that brought him felt that he wanted to meet his only friend that he had been missed. That forced him to look at the boy. They was fated. But the totally different boy right now. There was not the old adorable and happy Jongin. But he was been replaced by dark and evil Kai.

Kyungsoo hated the fact that Jongin changed. He hated the fact that Jongin was in love. He hated the fact that Do Kyungsoo is in love. He hate the fact that he was in love with the bastard Kai or he practically knew him as adorable Jongin.

In his walk, he saw a body. A familiar body at a familiar place. Kyungsoo sighed. Hesitated to go on or just hiding away from the guy. Slowly Kyungsoo hid himself behind the tree that near to the place. Holding onto his already clutching chest. Kyungsoo was hurting himself.


Woohyun crunched his face as ugly as he could.

"Don't do that," Sunggyu said. Slapping the face lightly.

"Why we are here?" Woohyun asked. They are at a very quiet place. That place was rather quiet and dark but rather calm to be inside.

"You need to know something," Sunggyu touched the trees one by one. Trying to recognize them just by his touches. He stopped at this one tree and smiled.

"What is it?" Woohyun asked again.

"You are too much with question," Sunggyu mocked. Looking at the annoyed face of Woohyun. Woohyun just pouted at Sunggyu's words. "We are already here. I wanted to show you something," Sunggyu looked up to the tree. There was a house on the tree. Built by his father and Dongwoo's father. Still quiet strong until the time.

Slowly, Sunggyu climbed up at the the dangerous small stairs. Woohyun just looked at the stairs worriedly.

"What if I fall?" Woohyun asked again. Earning an annoyed glare by Sunggyu.

"Just be careful then," Sunggyu said. He already arrived at the tree house. Silently, he went inside and tried to find his phone in his pocket. Opening up the light and lighted on the tree house. He smiled. The memories came out again.

Woohyun lightly breathed in and out because of the fright that he might fell off but he got to the top anyway at the last. He looked at Sunggyu who just sitting in the middle of the tree house and giving him a mocking stare.

"You are not that strong anyway," Sunggyu mocked.

"Yah!" Woohyun shouted. Sunggyu just chuckled off at the reaction. Like a really good mother, Sunggyu asked Woohyun to sit beside him and faced the window of the small hut.

"Look there. They are beautiful," Sunggyu pointed to the stars. Woohyun just nodded in amusement.

"Pretty," Woohyun muttered under his breaths.

"You want to know something about Dongwoo?" Sunggyu asked Woohyun. Woohyun just looked at Sunggyu and nodded at the offer.

"He always wanted to see the star with the one he loves after confessing in this small hut," Sunggyu simply explained. "He once told me that. A long ago. I don't know if he still remember it or not since it was when we are still little, like kids," Sunggyu confessed.

"He was so cute," Woohyun complimented. Sunggyu just nodded.

"Woohyun-ah!" Sunggyu called and Woohyun just looked at him. "Be the one that he had been dreaming of," Sunggyu said.

"I have been believing in you," Sunggyu said.

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