Prologue: Part 2

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Amanda walks out of her bedroom as her stomach rumbles. Seems like third night in a row without dinner. "Mom, Dad are we gonna eat dinner" She always asks but her father always respondes with "Get the hell out of my face you just ate lunch in school greedy pig!" Most night her mother would sneak her a snack right before bed, but usually pay the price later. She barely dares to do that anymore. Now that Amandas father has become aware of what happens. Amanda doesnt think her family is poor they have several televisions. Her father has multiple gaming systems and runs a multinational business. The only problem is he doesn't like to share his money. Amanda was a mistake to him and he absolutely hated her. They had several CPS cases on there house and were watched almost 24/7. Almost... But not long enoug to stop the beatings and the bruises getting noticed at school and the horrible names the kids called her for wearing rags to school. Almost but not enough. So Amanda decided next time there was a big thing around town she would sneak out as a 12-year old on the run. And she did, run as far and fast as she could. She napped under bridges untill she found the perfect place. An old unused sewer pipe that was already occupied by a 14-year old boy. Who was more than happy to help out this little girl. One year ago today his parents dies in a fire and he ran away to this litlle pipe and made it a home. The girl was ecstatic she finally had a home...or so she thought.

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