Chapter Five.

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Isaac's POV

"Honey, will you please stop already.."

My mother, who's sitting to the right of me places her left hand on my knee, the leg that I've been shaking up and down for the past fifteen minutes.

"What am I doing?" I grumble, my arms still folded across my chest.

We were currently at her favorite restaurant, Fugazzi's, an Italian restaurant of course. We sitting down on one of those cushioned benches in the waiting area, waiting for both of her brothers to show up.

Apparently the three of them have been trying to have dinner together for a while now but things always came up, why I had to be here I don't know.

Actually I'm lying, I knew exactly why I had to be here, my mother, being the kind sweet hearted soul that she is, is still trying to build a relation between Fernando and I.

I didn't care for him when I found him in Chicago outside of his home a few years ago, I didn't care for him when he showed up to my hospital room, and I still don't care for him now.

"Isaac, please," ma pleads. "Can you at least pretend that you want to be here."

"But I don't," I quickly grumble in response.

"Honey please, give your uncle Fernando a chance, he really wants to get to know you. He's the one who keeps pestering me to bring you along, he's really trying here, Isaac."

Well he's wasting his time, is what I want to answer, but I obviously don't.

I remembered that I promised Hailey that I would actually try tonight, meaning that I had to suck it up and put on a happy face whether I liked it or not.

"Honestly, Isaac, If you're dad can forgive him, why can't you?" Ma mumbles under her breath, her voice starting to trail off.

We all know that pops didn't really forgive Fernando, lord knows how much of a grudge my dad can hold, but unlike me, dads actually trying to play the brother in law card to make his wife, my mother, happy.

Thing one thing that I hated the most in this world was upsetting my own mother, disappointing her. That type of guilt eats me up alive like no other, I rarely did it but I hated arguing with her.

I slowly stop shaking my leg up and down and glance over at her to realize that she's already upset. I knew that look better than anyone else, I had officially ruined her night before it even had the chance to start.

I inhale a deep breath, slowly exhaling it, "I'm sorry, ma."

She quickly picks up a single finger not bothering to look in my direction, she keeps her gaze trained on the two restaurant doors. "If It were up to me I would've left your stubborn ass at home," she sasses and is instantly getting off of the bench, walking towards the entrance as one of her brother walks in, two kids following behind him.

It's Fernando, along with a little girl who looks like she's Jessie's age and a boy who's a few years older than her, probably in his early teens.

I sigh long and hard before getting up when I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans, I pull it out to find a message from Hailey stating that she's already left her apartment, practically begging me to behave.

I quickly reply to her and shove my phone back into my pants, "I fucked up already."

I get up and walk over towards my mother and Fernando and he immediately beams with happiness when he notices me standing behind his sister.

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