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I'm so sorry everyone... I couldn't feel any worse about not updating than I do now. Honestly, I've tried to write at least once a week, I mean, I literally pick up my iPad, bring up wattpad, and stare at the blank page for minutes on end every week and I get nothing done. I can't focus anymore, I can't seem to think straight.. I'm struggling... Everything is hard for me now... Getting out of bed is sometimes too much. I don't want you all to think that I'm writing this to get attention, I just want you all to understand why I haven't been writing. I've been strongly considering deleting both of my stories so you all don't get your hopes up by thinking I'll write another chapter soon, because like I said before, everything is a battle for me. It makes me feel awful to think that some of you will read my stories and pray that I'll update soon, and then months go by and nothing has happened. It's not fair to you all, and it's not fair to me for all the pressure I'm putting on myself. Again.. I hate letting you all down. But don't be surprised if my account disappears.. Stay lovely, I know you will. <3

Ps. I'm getting help soon. If any of you are dealing with severe anxiety or depression, find someone, get help. These mental disorders are not something to mess around with. Please, take it from me, getting help can make all the difference.

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