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"Death comes to us all; we can only choose how to face it when it comes."


Katie heard beeping noises, but she couldn't open her eyes. "My child, it's time for you to decide." She jumped at the voice; the scenery became lighter, "Who a-are you?" She asked. "You will find out in all good time, but you must decide.. Do you want to come with me or do you want to leave the poor boy alone, depressed and heartbroken? Is that what you really want? Do you love him?" He questioned her.

"He gives you more love than you've ever seen, child. You would be stupid to let him rot all alone. You used to cry to sleep every night and now? He cares for you, he holds you and won't let you go.. He's all you've got - do not pass up this opportunity to finally have some happiness; I will be very disappointed with you. But at the end of the day it will be your decision."

"I don't understand! Who are you?!" She questioned before, she was returned to darkness. "The only thing I need to know is if you love this boy." He spoke sternly.

"Yes," She spoke, "but what if he leaves, what if he never meant anything he's said?" Her voice wavering. "Child, he loves you more than his own family. Now go on, wake up and be happy."

- -

[ 2 months later. ]

Calum hasn't gotten any better, his parents were starting to get worried about him they had never seen their child so down - so depressed. Katie hasn't woken yet, but he stills goes to visit her everyday. At the beginning he used to sleep there all the time, telling her stories singing to her but now, he just stares and her or cries when he sees her. He never thought he would feel such pain in his life, it was like his heart was actually breaking every single time someone brought her up or he thought of her.

He now knew what it felt like to be depressed. He wouldn't eat anymore, he barely did his homework or even attended school; he even beat the crap out of Derek almost killing him. If it wasn't for Luke who had found them in the back of the school he probably would have been in jail by now. He hardly slept either, every time he'd close his eyes all he'd see was the crash. The car plowing into her, and when he did fall asleep he'd have countless nightmares of it, where his parents would have to shake him awake from screaming.

His parents decided to send him to therapy, but that didn't work. The light that used to be in his eyes, was gone replaced by dullness. The therapist gave him pills, he tried them at first but soon gave up on those too. "Look Calum I don't know what to tell you.. You need to give up son, it's been one month and nothing happened. Maybe she won't make -" Calum shook his head, remembering a conversation between his father and him.

He never believed what anyone said, she would make it she'd have too. Hope. Hope was all he had in this, hope that she would finally wake up and want to run away with him and just love him. Love him enough to fix him, like he tried to fix her.

While she was in a coma he'd written hundreds of letters to her and just leave them at the hospital hoping one day she would wake up while he was at school and find them. He couldn't deny how much he missed her, he's cried enough but hey pain is just a consequence of love. He knows she's not far but she has his heart; he's just emotionless without her - she's his eveything.

Dear Katie,

Today marks two months. It's been the worst two months of my life, I miss you so much. My whole life has crumbled without you.. I will never stop loving you. I guess when people say you don't know what you've got till it's gone is true.

They keep sending me to therapy, it's pathetic really, nobody gets how much pain i'm in.. nothing will work except you. If you just come back. I love you.

-Calum x

Most nights he'd be on his roof staring at the sky, praying she'd make it. He saw a shooting star one night and wished for her to make it out alive. One time the radio played 'Chasing Cars' and he thought of her, it was her favourite song.

Back to the time when she was lying next to him and he fell in love all over again. She came into his life like a crazy cleansing grace, before he knew what happened she was flowing through his veins. She was his drug. He'd always get lost in her eyes, and stare at her for hours. He knew the first time she'd slept over, he couldn't live without her - he knew he would go insane without her; just like he was right now.

He sighed when his phone rang. "What?" He snapped, not really in the mood to talk to anybody. "Calum Hood please." The girl spoke, "This is Calum m'am."

"Oh great! I just would like to inform you that Katie has woken up. If you can come as soon as possible." She spoke brightly. "What? I'll be there right now." He rushed down the stairs, "Son where are you going!?" His father shouted after him, "Katie! She's awake! I have to go!" He grabbed the keys before speeding to the hospital.


A/N : Chapter 1 is up! Chapter 2 tomorrow, I'm almost done that one as well! Hope you enjoy the story x

Thank you for the love x

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