Chapter One

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"You can't be serious."

It was early in the afternoon. Joe walked into the bedroom he shared with his girlfriend to find her sitting on top of an enormous suitcase, her face red and sweaty as she tried to close the zip around the bulging expanse of clothing.

"We are going for a week, Dianne. One week. Seven days. Why do you need so much stuff?"

Dianne rolled her eyes as Joe stood, clearly waiting for an answer. "I don't know what the weather will be like. I've got beach stuff, swimwear, casual clothes to pull on, outfits for if we go out in the evening. Shoes, jackets, bags..." She was mumbling to herself now, checking off items from the list in her head, "jewellery for every outfit, toiletries, makeup, stuff for my hair..."

As she finished her list, Dianne finally got the zip to close. "Yes! Go on, Dianne!" She shouted. She turned around and held out her hand for a high five, but Joe shook his head.

"No. No celebration for you. You have too many clothes. And I'm sure your jewellery bag would be smaller if you didn't insist on changing your earrings every bloody day."

Dianne rolled her eyes. "Are you going to be an arse all day?" she asked abruptly, standing now. "Or can we get over it, and enjoy our holiday? I can't put up with your bloody whining for an entire seventeen-hour flight."

Joe shook his head. He knew he was in a bad mood the moment he woke up. He was stressing about every little detail of their trip, not to mention what would come after. Dianne had arrived back from tour the day before, and they had a quick turn-around to get re-packed and out to Australia. They would be there for Dianne's 30thbirthday, to celebrate with her family, and would be bringing her daughter- Emelia- home with them. Forever. Joe's mind had been in overdrive for weeks trying to make sure that everything would be perfect.

"I'm sorry, my love. I'll stop."

Dianne's expression softened, and she reached for Joe's hand. Stroking her thumb over his, she looked into his eyes. "Are you ok?"

Joe smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "I'm fine" he said as he pulled away, "I just want everything to go well, you know?"

Dianne nodded. "I understand. And I get that you're stressed but talk to me about it, okay? We're in this together. I know you think I'm an idiot most of the time, but I might be able to help."

Joe pulled his girlfriend close and kissed her forehead. "You are not an idiot. Don't put yourself down. You are smart in so many ways. And I love you."

"I love you too", Dianne leaned in to press her lips quickly to Joe's. "Now, can we go please?"

Joe pulled Dianne's bag towards him and carefully lifted it up to carry it down the stairs before dropping it back onto the carpet with a heavy thud. He rubbed his hands, pulling a pained expression.

"OK. This is going to take both of us. You take the top, I'll take the bottom. If the case starts to slip, save yourself."

Dianne rolled her eyes, picked up the case in one hand and walked down the stairs. Looking back up at Joe, she grinned. "I think we need to have a re-match on that arm wrestle."

"We can. But our referee is on the other side of the world and..." Joe's phone pinged with a notification. "...and it's time to go and see her. Come on, the car's here."


"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard this Qantas flight to Perth. Your cabin crew will shortly begin their safety presentation. Please ensure all tray tables are folded up and that your seatbelts are fastened. On behalf of Qantas Airlines, my team and I wish you a pleasant flight."

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