Chapter 8

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I spent the rest of the day being passed around the group of she-wolves like a shiny new toy. When Blaze mentioned that these were new mothers I never thought there would be so many! This group or what did Ash call it... pack, must really breed fast. Just shows how monstrous they actually are.

Eventually when I had met everyone the group of women started to dwindle, all having more important things to go off and do.

"I hope that wasn't too overwhelming for you" Alina smiles at me whilst holding her now squirming pup.

"No I'm fine" I mumble "I just never thought there would be so many new mothers, they must do horrible things here"

I can't bare to face this women. She seems so kind and sweet. It's not right that I should be so weak when she must have suffered more.

"What do you mean? All of us had our pups with our mates"

"Exactly" I manage to choke out.

Before Alina has time to respond both Lucian and Blaze walk over to me silencing anything Alina was going to say before she could even say it.

"Beta Astra has invited us over for dinner tonight. She should have finished the warrior training by now so we can make our way over there now if you would like" Lucian tells me, his voice once again void of emotion.

"Beta may I speak to you for a moment?" Alina questions?

Blaze simply nods his head before making his way over to a corner with Alina. I hope she comes back quickly.

"So did you have a good day?" Lucian questions.

I nod my head.

"The females seem to be quite taken with you"

Another nod.

Lucian simply sighs. Our conversation over we wait in silence for Blaze and Alina to return.

When they do we start to make our way over to the pack house together. 

"Do you live in the big house?" I question Alina

"No, I live in one of the surrounding houses with my mate. He's a pack warrior. I met him at one of the pack dances and I have to admit it was love at first sight. He's one of the most caring and most protective males that I have ever come across. Although he's going to be exhausted today if I know the training that Beta Astra would have put him through." She giggles to herself at the though.

Funny. Why do all the females here seem to talk so fondly of their mates? Mates are monsters. It's just a word that they use instead of owner. They beat you and hurt you and they do truly evil things to you. It's how all these females ended up with pups in the first place.

I need to ask about this at some point. I'll make a mental note.


The second we walk through the door an explosion of different smells hits my nose.

"Perfect timing! Get your butts in seats and let's start eating" Ash's energetic self is practically jumping up and down.

As we sit down at the table I see all sorts of foods that I've never seen before or even heard of!

"Umm... what is this?" I manage to squeak out.

"Glad you asked, there is aromatic duck and Chinese pancakes, sesame prawn toast, crispy wontons, vegetable spring roles, egg fried rice, beef in black bean sauce, sweet and sour chicken balls, pork chow mien, seaweed, chicken satay skewers and prawn crackers in case anyone is still hungry" she smiles.

The whole room has collectively dropped there jaw at the sheer quantity of food that has been placed before them.

I don't know what half this stuff is but if the smell is anything to go by I sure as hell cant wait to try it.

"Christ Ash, hungry much?" Blaze laughs whilst Rick just roles his eyes.

"Well whilst you were all sitting about I was working my arse off, not to mention the fact i am currently the host for a small creature stealing my bodies nutrients"

I can't help but giggle at the dramatic facial expressions and body movements of Ash as she acts like the baby is some sort of alien parasite.

Everyone silently looks at me whilst I giggle, that is until Blaze realises what Astra just said to him.

"What do you mean you were working out!" His face horrified. "I though we agreed that you weren't going to do that and you were going to take it easy!"

"Oh don't get your knickers in a twist it was just a small work out"

"Please do elaborate!" I think he might go bald at this rate.

"It was just a five mile run and then an hour of drills, no biggy"

Lucian snorts with laughter.

"For the love of the Goddess Astra that is not a small work out, that is a big fucking work out"

Ash just roles her eyes whilst Rick sits happily eating his food like this is normal. Is this normal.

I look down to realise my plate has been filled with all different kinds of food whilst Lucian sits besides me eating the food that's appeared on his plate.

I can't hear much over the sound of Blaze and Ash arguing but there is one thing I do catch.

"Drama, drama, drama" Lucian mumbles with a slight smile on his lips.

I can't help, but seeing him like that relaxes me slightly. It's stupid but I can't help it, you'd think that I would have learnt.

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