Chapter 7

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The sun was setting low on the horizon making the sand of their private beach look aflame when they finally arrived back at the house.

"I am going to dig a fire pit and start us a bonfire," Mac announced and left out the back door in search of a shovel with the assurance that once everyone had changed and assembled a few snacks to roast they would join him on the sand.

Isabelle poured herself a glass of wine and wandered out into the dark of the porch demonstrating her disinterest in assisting the other women in the kitchen.

"Hey will you guys go see if there are some camp chairs in the garage or something?" Becca asked. Pete and Derek wandered off down the hall. "And see if there are any extra blankets anywhere too please?"

Pete waived his hand to acknowledge he'd heard her and the two men kept walking.

Once they were well out of earshot Becca rounded on Brenna.

"Ok, I'm really sorry!" she exclaimed and hugged Brenna.

"For what?" Brenna honestly had no idea why her friend would feel she was due to give an apology.

"I feel bad how Tammi and I and the boys just took off and left you with Mac. That wasn't ok. It was selfish of us. Tammi agrees."

"No! It was fine. I like hanging with Mac. He's funny. It wasn't bad at all. We both were happy you guys were getting some couple time in." Becca gave Tammi and incredulous look. "Seriously! You guys can just knock if off because we were just fine. There are no hard feelings I swear."

She crossed her heart for emphasis. Suddenly a mischievous glimmer sparked up in Tammi's eyes.

"I think Mac has no problem hanging out with you that's for sure." She winked at Brenna then turned her naughty smile to Becca.

"You know, I had noticed the same thing," Becca concurred. "Whenever given the opportunity, he's more than willing to strike up a conversation with you or compliment you. Honestly, in all the years we've known him I've never seen him be so comfortable around a woman."

"Oh my gosh you guys! Knock it off. It isn't like that. He's just trying his damnedest to stay away from Isabelle. Sometimes it looks like she's hunting him, I swear." she giggled to herself as a visual of Isabelle stalking and pouncing on Mac came to mind.

"Oh, I have no doubt that she is." Becca poured herself a glass of wine and swirled the contents in her glass. "From day one I saw her set her sights on him. I don't think he even notices a third of all her efforts."

Tammi sighed audibly. "Yeah, she's a piece of work. And I know it's my fault that she's here."

"No! Oh honey, don't think that way. It is what it is." Brenna quickly moved to reassure her friend that no one held a grudge against her for their less than savory companion. "You have a kind heart and you were trying to help her out. We all understood that. She's just kind of a nasty person."

"Kind of?" Becca snorted.

Brenna chose not to encourage that line of conversation and diverted the course. "Hey I appreciate all you guys have done for me. I know I was kind of a project too. I still have hope for her. She just has to learn to love herself more."

"Hell no! You were NOT a project. You are an amazing person and a good friend. Don't ever say that again!" Brenna was taken aback by the vehemence of Becca's exclamation.

"What she said." Tammi stared at her with equal seriousness.

"Ok, ok! I'm sorry," she had to admit it touched her that it mattered so much to them. "Back to the original subject; Mac is a great guy. He's super funny and definitely nice to look at but there is no way he's interested in me. So you guys can just put those thoughts away."

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