Chapter 29

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Brenna awoke to the pearl gray light of an early, snowy morning. She startled at the knowledge that they'd slept so soundly straight through the afternoon and night. Mac snored softly beside her with his big hand draped across her middle. She smiled and winced at the pain it created in her face. She didn't even want to think about what it looked like today.

She rolled carefully so as not to disturb the adorable slumbering male sharing her bed and plucked her phone from the night stand.

A text message informed her Becca and Tammi had made use of the spare key she'd given them to deposit dinner in her kitchen with instructions for reheating it and their best wishes and love. Another text message from Karen stated she'd seen the story on the news and she requested a call as soon as possible to confirm Brenna was ok.

There was a voicemail from the vet clinic assuring them that Reego had woken up and was relaxing under light anesthesia. The doctor encouraged them to relax and rest themselves as well. Brenna trusted the petit doctor; she'd proven she was competent and that she truly cared for Reego's health and recovery.

There were a few more voicemails from a couple of the guys at the department and one from Lana but Brenna closed the phone; she'd listen to them later.

Mac stirred and pulled her in tighter to his chest. The movement caused different muscles in her body to moan in protest but she kept the discomfort to herself. Nothing was better than being safely encircled in the arms of MacKenzie Tullman.

"What time is it babe?" his voice was deep and scratchy from sleep.

"A little after 4 a.m." She patted the large warm hand and intertwined her fingers with his.



"I'm starving." As if on cue her stomach growled loudly beneath his palm.

"Tammi and Becca dropped off food in our kitchen and the vet left a message that Reego is awake and resting comfortably under sedation."

Mac stilled and Brenna thought he'd fallen back asleep until she felt a tremor run through is body. She turned in alarm so that she could see his face, setting off her bruised muscles again. Big, quiet Deputy Mac Tullman was leaking silent tears into the pillow above her head.

"Mac? Why are you crying? She said he was going to be ok." She gently stroked his cheek, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

"I'm not crying," she fought the urge to roll her eyes. "It's just the stress. I guess it's finally getting to me. I was so scared, but I had to stay focused. I kept seeing you hurt in my mind's eye; me not getting there fast enough and failing you."

"But you did. You did get there in time." Her heart was breaking at the pain in his voice.

"I never once thought of Reego getting hurt and even when he did I just saw you. I wanted to hold you. You were the one who ran to him and all of a sudden it hit me what had happened." He reached up and took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips.

"It's ok. We were all confused and trying to figure things out. You'd just stepped in and been forced to kill someone. I just knew for sure that he was hurt because I'd seen it."

"He was going to burn you." His voiced choked and he stopped, closing his eyes and squeezing her hand tight. "He had gas cans waiting, that's why he brought you out into the park."

Brenna took a deep breath and took in what he'd just said. It made sense. He'd likely stored them nearby in the woods and he'd gone on his walk to retrieve them. She imagined he'd never have even opened the trunk if she hadn't stabbed him with the nail file. Angering him into retaliation had been her salvation otherwise he would have just doused the car in gasoline, lit it aflame and then walked away.

Her mind wrestled with the knowledge of how close to death she'd really come and finally settled upon the one fact that mattered. She was alive.

"Mac, I'm alive and he isn't. That is all that matters. No worrying about what could have happened or how things could have gone because it's over. Me, you and Reego, we're alive." Carefully she pulled herself up until they were face to face and kissed him.

Mac returned the kiss trying to be gentle with her poor battered face. He'd seen the beginning of the bruises on her body in the shower and didn't imagine they looked or felt much better today so he kept his touch gentle as his hands explored her body. Exploring and stroking every inch he could reach.

He hadn't intended to get excited. He'd just wanted to assure himself of her okay-ness but touching her had a way of lighting him afire. With great effort he pulled out of the kiss.

She stared back at him with confusion in her eyes. "You're injured. I don't want to hurt you," he tried to explain.

"You are the only person I trust on this Earth to never hurt me. I appreciate the thought but if you don't make love to me this very instant I swear to God I will lock you in this room and eat all of the food downstairs by myself."

Mac stared into those perfect green diamond eyes for an instant more before claiming her lips again. What Brenna wanted he would never make her ask for twice.


Two hours, three Aleve, half a taco casserole and several cups of coffee later they knelt beside Reego and stroked him softly. It was clear that he was still sedated. The usually excited dog lay docile with only a languid thump of his tail to show his enthusiasm for their visit.

"I'm sorry buddy. It's going to be ok." Mac assured him. "We are going to come visit you every single day until the doctor says we can take you home. Then we are going to take you home and spoil you like nobody's business."

"You're my hero fur face. You saved my life. I love you so much." The vet had given Brenna a handful of small soft dog treats and she was feeding them to him one by one.

Reego's tongue lolled out with his drugged lack of coordination and pulled each morsel into his mouth where he took his time rolling it around before swallowing. It was such a stark contrast to his usual frantic wolfing of food and treats that it made Mac feel tight in his chest again.

"Then you guys get to spend partner time at home on the couch recuperating for a bit before you start physical therapy." She had gotten down on the ground so that she was eye level with him and continued to slowly feed him the treats while chatting softly. It touched him that she referred to it as their home. It felt that way for him.

"You've got to give me away; we'll tie a ribbon around your neck with the ring. It'll be cute." The treats were all gone and she was softly stroking his ears. "Just as soon as you can walk but until then you can help Mac choose the wedding cake."

"She said he'd be able to walk long before April," Mac held the hand that wasn't stroking the Shepherd.

"Good, because we are getting married before April. In fact we should start looking for some nice indoor venue today. I don't want to waste another day not being your wife." She'd turned his way and fixed him with a look just daring him to question her decision.

"Don't look at me that way. It's not as if I would ever argue with you wanting to be my wife sooner. If you remember correctly I voted for sooner and you voted for spring."

"I've changed my mind. I'll call Becki and Tammi after we leave here. As soon as Reego is recovered enough, I want to marry you." She locked those beautiful green orbs on his and he sank deep into them.

"There is nothing I would like more than to fulfill this demand for you. I love you so much Brenna Malloy." He kissed her fingers and then leaned in and kissed her lips. Reego's tail began to thump on the floor and they parted on a laugh.

"Oh really? That makes you happy huh? Well it makes me happy too buddy." Mac held Brenna's hand as he stroked Reego's fur and thought to himself that all his prayers had been answered.

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