Missing Lenny

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Niall and Liam were at the police station what what seemed like days when ergo it was about seven hours. They questioned them relentlessly sometimes together but mostly apart. They wanted to know everything from the time to they met to they're sex life.

"Do we have to talk about that?" Liam whined looking to the other woman officer that observed the officer questioning him.

"Yes extrememly," she smirked sharing a quick look with her partner before signaling me to begin speaking.

"Well it kind of...just...Oh what does this have to do with my fucking son?! He's out there with some fucking kidnappers and you're fucking interested in my sex life? Yes I fuck the shit out of my husband like what you don't get!" Liam yelled standing up and and slamming his fist on the table. The officers stood quickly one got their tazer and pointed at Liam as the other holds up her hands. He scoffed and walked towards the interrogation room exit door.

"Let me the fuck out of here. If you don't think finding my son is important I'll do it on my own!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs to the one-way window. "He is out there scared, and with someone that might hurt him, and you're more concerned about me being a suspect than trying to...to find h-him?" Liam's voice began to crack at the end of his question then shortly after he is overcome by tears. He couldn't hold in the emotion it was too much to bare.

Niall watched out the window as Liam broke down by the door of the interrogation room. The scene sprouted tears from Niall's eyes as well, making the officer that was at their house earlier bring him into a swift embrace. Niall pushed away watching the cop with horror in his eyes and the man scoffed.

"You know who I am Ni," the officer said running a hand through his jet black hair spiking it lightly then Niall immediately recognized the man in the uniform. He turned away from him watching as the cops in the room with Liam started to console and reassure him that the cops were doing their best.

"You know the worse mistake I ever made was when I let you go," The officer said looping his finer through one of Niall's belt buckle loops.

"Enough Zayn," he slapped his hand away from him."My son is out there. You can't do anything besides stand their and appreciate something you had but will never own again?" He said starting to cry again because Liam pushed away the cops not wanting they're embrace but his.

Niall ran to the interrogation room entrance and opened it to Liam's teary eyes. Liam immediately brought Niall into a hug grabbing him by his waist and pouring his distress onto Niall with his tears. Niall held him back trying to withhold the tears threatening to spill. The cop, Zayn, released them both giving subtle looks to Niall every few seconds. Liam pulled his act together before they walked out of the station and headed home.

Twenty minutes later they were in bed. Niall was fast asleep clutching Liam's body close to his. Liam laid awake, one hand around Niall's body keeping him stationary next to him as the other hand was behind his head. He constantly heard moans of Lenny's name from Niall as he tossed in Liam's grip. Liam kissed and stroked Niall's hair when he started to struggle and reminded him that he was still here, trying not to freight. Soon after Niall would still in his arm and his breathing would settle back to normal.

Liam constantly thought of Lenny's safety, where he was, who took his son, and who he'd have to kill once he found his kid. Nary a moment went by that Lenny didn't pass his mind, he was the only thing on it. Well him and Niall. Liam sat up removing his hand from around Niall, though he was all to comfortable, to go to Lenny's room. He quietly got out of his bed and tiptoed to Lenny's vacant room.

It smelled of Lenny in every which way possible making it almost impossible for Liam to go in without tearing up. He sat on the end of his sons bed where he just read him to sleep the night before. Liam started to tremble but breathed in sharply causing the emotion to flow backwards. Liam picked up the SingTeddy that was on the floor. Lenny loved this teddybear. He played it every time Liam wasn't there to sing him to sleep. Liam lays back remembering the time when he lulled Lenny to sleep for the first time.

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