the fairy queens king

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Evergreens POV

I was returning from a job with the thunder legion but immediately when we entered the guild freed gone to the library, laxus gone to the bar to chat with mira and bickslow went to lisanna leaving me too sit alone.

I sigh "the only time I get too spend with the legion now is during Missions" I put on a pouty face and watch the legion with their girlfriends glaring at them "I know how you feel it's so unMANLY that we cant hang out with the people we care about the most" I look at the muscle brained elfman

"Do you have to scream everytime you say man and relate everything to being a man or manly?" He laughs "Yep cause it's a sign of A TRUE MAN" I sigh and kinana brings us food for elfman and a drink for me but I have a note "what is this?" I read it outloud "have fun with your date with mister beast beauty 😉 -mira" both me and elfman blush "that sister of mine is such a shipper, it's like a perverted old MAN"

I nod "were not in love I dont even like you" he nods "your not MANLY enough I only like MANLY girls" hmph whatever blockhead it's not like I care who he likes, tomboys aren't beautiful he obviously doesent appreciate the beauty of a lady "your just a blockhead that cant see beauty if it was right infront of you. Oh wait it is"

I put on a pouty face and hear elfman mumble something "what was that? Speak up!!" He grumbles "i-i said you're b-beautiful elfgreen" I blush red "i-i thought you l-liked t-tomboys" we talk for the rest of the day until mira kicks us out and we start walking together "I had fun today but that doesn't mean i like you" i go to fairy hills

When i get there I see erza mad "you are past the curview evergreen, punishment is you have to sleep somewhere else" I groan and leave and see elfman sitting on a park bench "hey blockhead what are you doing here?" He looks at me "I got kicked out of the house cause lisanna wanted alone time with her bf and dident trust me to leave her alone"

I laugh and nod "I got kicked out of fairy hills for the night" elfman laughs "um want to rent a hotel?" I sigh "might aswell I need my beauty sleep" we go to a hotel and rent a room and go there where elfman takes off his top and hangs it up then goes into the bed and I take off my boots and put my glasses on the nightstand and go to sleep but couldn't cause I was cold

"Uuuuuugh this is all your fault" I turn around and look at his muscles hes kinda bad evergreen hes a blockhead I then get pulled into his chest by his big muscly arms "wh-what are you doing you b-b-blockhead" he giggles "just giving you warmth your obviously not used to a regular hotels temperature" I sigh and nod then adjust myself and smile at his kind gesture(basically they look like the cover of this chapter) "you aren't as big of a blockhead I guess" I then go to sleep

Authors side notes: that was the 10th chapter elfgreen is one of the semi-canon ships which means theres alot of actual evidence to them becoming canon. Anyways since I've done 10 chapters I officially will start doing slayer ships which will be very nice to write. Anyways I'll see yall later

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