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"She's doing great. We got some movement in her hands, shifting of legs and she even opened her eyes slightly before going back under."

Michael was sitting across from me as we listened to Gio over the phone. It has been a week since the ambush and the men placed to watch over Arianna has been giving us daily updates. The most mind boggling news was of Raizon's late night visits to her and his leaving the next morning. Since his visits began, she has been more active than the past month in the hospital. Now, a week under Raizon's care, she's nearing to come back to us.

I can still see her on the floor of that jewelry store bleeding out in my dreams. Most times she didn't make it, other times it was both of us lying dead on that floor. I haven't slept well for weeks now. The need for sleeping pills was becoming unhealthy. My parents currently had a doctor monitoring my intake along with my pain killers. Overall, I just need sleep.A dreamless one enough for me to rest my body.

"Thanks, man. Everything has been fairly quiet on our side. Contact you if any change," I said to him.

"Sure thing."

I ended the call and stared blankly out the sprawling backyard of my childhood home.

"And his heart grew three times bigger," Michael commented. I chuckled despite the serious expression on his face.
His statement had me both amused and worried. I knew how much my friend wanted a second chance with Ari but it seems like she made her decision unconsciously. She was choosing Raizon.

"Ray is a good guy. We've only seen him as a mafia boss but never as a family man. He had to be that way all his life. Maybe Ari will be the one to soften his rough edges," I said trying to back Raizon up. I, myself wasn't too sure of the guy but sometimes you just have to let things be.

I probably was too far in my mind because I heard Michael shouting my name.

"Dude are you alright? You've been out of it lately," he said.

"Just worried about Ari," I mumbled.

"Heard from Gianni?"

My body became tense from hearing his name, I was also worried about him. The secret I've kept from him for the past few years has been eating me alive. His father and Raizon had me silenced with Omertà. Not only with the authorities if it may comes up but with the love of my life. I was currently anxious of his reaction to the truth he will finally be told. Also, I was scared that I'll lose him.

"We have to limit contact with him," I replied. Grabbing my crutches, I hobbled out of the room with Michael following closely behind. "When are you going to propose to him?"

His question was the same one I've been asking myself every day. I wasted so much time that I nearly lost the opportunity to do so.
"When things are back to normal," I answered.

Michael scoffed and walked passed me, now leading the way to the kitchen.
"Our lives will be far from normal. What if..." he began to say but I stopped him immediately.

"I believe in her. She won't run. Yes, she will be mad and hurt but I know she won't leave us," I said lowly. I saw the apprehension in his eyes. When we first met Ari at that coffee shop, G and I knew Michael fell for her that day. He always thought she was way too good for him and fought with himself for two years before asking her out. He held her in a high regard and treated her as such. Their break was mutual, they hated the cancelled trips and lack of time being spent together. Being friends was better for them both as they built their businesses.
Now for him to give her up as a love interest plus her now knowing their hidden life, I knew he felt like she's disappearing from him altogether.

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