A Note from Evie

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Hey loves!

I just wanted to set you up for the best possible read with these quickies.

Because these are a quick sexy read please don't expect a lot of wooing in these relationships. They are meant to be adults who find each other attractive and need a little no-strings-attached sex. They get the physical relationship they need from each other. That doesn't mean the stories are devoid of character building or story telling.

My hope is that you can fully enjoy each encounter without feeling robbed of anything. However, I don't jump directly into physical relationship either. There is some build up. I'm a girl who likes a little connection and foreplay.

With that said, please remember these are ADULT stories intended for ADULT readers. Each story may touch on a certain societal taboo but isn't too outlandish.

We're human and sex is perfectly wonderful and natural.

Enjoy ❤️ Drop me a comment or message if you'd like. I would love to hear from you.

Lustfully Yours,

Lustfully Yours,Evie

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