Harry Styles Imagines

18 1 4

Author: letsnotforget_

The Checkup

I pulled my white coat around my shoulders and received some papers from my assistant. Before walking into my office, I thanked her and sent her a smile. Today was going to be a busy day.

My first patient was going to be here in less than 2 minutes and I wasn't properly prepared yet. I searched for her medical files- I really should clean up my office some time soon- when the first patient of the day knocked on the door. Here we go.

• • •

After my lunch break, I was exhausted. It felt like all the energy was drained out of my body and I wanted to go home. But, I couldn't do that. I was here to help people, I couldn't just leave this place.

The door suddenly creaked open and I was snapped out of my thoughts. When the person's eyes found mine, I gasped for air and dropped my pen. My mouth was hanging open, like I was a kid receiving one of the greatest Christmas present ever. I forgot everything about professionalism and just sat there. Like a big idiot.

Harry Styles is in my office. Oh, dear Jesus. Okay, keep calm, Roshni. He's just a normal person and- Oh wow. He cut his hair. And he looks even hotter in person. Oh, dear Jesus.

His chuckles filled my entire office. For a second, I forgot how to breathe. The sound of his laughter was a gift send from heaven, like ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day.

Finally, I got myself together and stood up, walking closer to him. I silently cursed myself when I bumped into my office desk, before I reached for his hand.

"I'm Harry. Nice to meet you."

His hand felt soft against mine and I didn't want to let go. The smile on his face grew bigger each second.

"Uhm... Dr. Roshni, yes... Nice to meet you too." I walked back to my bureau, trying not to make it too obvious my knees were weak and my face was red. "So.. uhm. Why are you here?"

Well, that was really nice, Roshni. Way to go.

"Just a normal checkup," Harry explained with that smooth voice of his.

I told him to go sit down so I could take his blood pressure. Which happened not to be good for my heart. Did you know Harry's biceps were huge? Like really enormous?

After that, I also checked his heart beat and asked him if he had any problems with his health. The check up didn't last for more than 15 minutes, but I was sure I had never bumped into so many things in my life before.

"You're perfectly fine, Mr. Styles. Your heart beat seemed a bit fast, but I don't think that's really a problem." I saw Harry's cheeks turn a light pink colour when I told him that, but I decide not to give it much attention. "Any questions?"

He shook his head and we both stood up from our chairs. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Styles. Have a nice-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. Harry decided to cut me off.

"I'm glad I moved to this town." I scrunched my eyebrows together and asked what he meant. Without answering my question, he said goodbye and disappeared through the door.

The next day, I received a text message form an unknown number.

'Making my heart beat faster, huh? That's not really good for my health, you know. -H'



Go check out her Harry Styles imagines. I literally couldn't chose one to publish it here. All of the are so beautifully written!

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