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A/N Picture above is outfit/ look

Loella P.O.V

I woke up and started to put on my dress. It was a dark blue long sIeeve dress. I did my hair in a nice loose curls and tied it to the back with my wand, and did some make up on. I looked into the mirror and was satisfied with the result.

I didn't eat breakfast, but none of my annoying ' friends' were there. So why not just show up.

This was the perfect opportunity to make a talk with the teachers.

It was Dumbledore that didn't trust me. He shouldn't trust Riddle. I wasn't the one that thought I was powerful when I tortured people or animals.

I had the strong feeling something was going to happen next year.

'' Good morning, Riddle.'' I said and he looked up at me.

He has those dark brown eyes every girl would drown in. he was wearing his school uniform even though he doesn't have to. Guess he is to poor for normal clothes.

I bought him an outfit for the Christmas party. It might seem weird, but I made a new plan.

Be civil.

'' Good morning, Wilson you are looking beautiful like always'' he replied smooth. He seemed to have the same idea. Interesting. I wonder why that would be.

'' So honey, I was wondering if you wanted to go the Christmas party tonight.'' I said batting my long eyelashes.

'' I would be delighted.'' He replied looking smugly.

'' In that case,'' I began and with a swish of my wand, the charmed clothes floated neatly in my hands. How I loved magic, '' here you are.'' I said, and handed him the pile of clothes and new shoes.

Somehow I managed to get his sizes. I hate to admit it, but Parkinson wasn't as useless as I gave her credit for.

'' What is this?'' he asked, faking a surprised expression.

'' New clothes. I am sure you need it.'' I said and tried not to hex him. He smiled at me, but I saw he had the same thoughts. He is the perfect guy with the most dirty secrets. I wonder what he would be like if someone loved him, or if he loved someone. I snorted at the idea and he raised his perfect shaped eyebrow.

'' Is there something funny?'' he asked, the politeness never leaving his voice.

'' Just.....an inside joke.'' I replied.

'' You still have to serve detention with me.'' he stated simply.

'' And why would that be?'' I replied, and this time I raised my eyebrow.

'' I don't think you forgot about last night.''

'' I do most certainly not'' I replied still not knowing where he referred to.

'' It was past curfew, and as a prefect I can give you detention. Unless you want me to tell headmaster Dippet.''

How could one person be so abominable.

'' On what day will I be seeing you?''

'' Next week.'' I nodded and walked away.


Around this time I found it hard to stay calm. I wouldn't cry because I wasn't weak. I wasn't sure if I made a good choice to ask Riddle because of our last encounter.

Then is when it hit me. Dumbledore held a huge grudge against Riddle. Probably because he knew something. You couldn't play him. Even I couldn't.

That's why I never made an attempt to speak with him. He brought Riddle here all those years ago. You saw it in his eyes. Maybe it was regret,maybe it was curiousity.

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