Part 1

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It was a cold and rainy night in Jump City as people were either sleeping, watching tv, or doing whatever it is on a rainy evening like this. However, in a old abandon warehouse, there stood a dark figure looking through one of the broken windows of the building.

This person was non other than Slade, the arch enemy of the young super powered group called the Teen Titans. Slade has always hated them down to the bone and has tried countless times to either break them apart or destroy them forever.

But, they always some how manage to defeat him.

Right now Slade was looking at Titans Tower, thinking to himself about something...or someone. No it wasn't Robin, Slade eventually gave up on trying to brainwash him into becoming his apprentice years ago.

Slade was actually thinking of a certain raven-haired girl named Raven. When he first saw her during their battles against each other, Slade fell madly in love with her at first sight.

In fact some of his evil schemes would involve Raven in some way too. Slade would dream of him and her together.

As his beautiful wife and queen.

Slade then called Terra, his second apprentice, to come to him at once. She soon quickly arrived and kneeled before him.

"Master, what is your command?", Terra asked in a monotone voice. Slade turned to his pupil and said in a commanding voice, "I need you to find a way to distract the Teen Titans, afterwards I want you to grab this girl and bring her to me unharmed."

He then grabbed a picture to show Terra who he want's kidnapped. Terra looked at it then her face turned into a smug grin and said, "As you command, master."

She then left to start on making a scene, so the Titans could fight her.

After Terra leaves, Slade looks outside the window again. "Soon my love, you will be my dark bride. And no one will get in between of our love. I promise you that, my dear sweet Raven..."

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