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"I'll be back soon boys I'm just going to the gas station to get some things" I said as I was about to walk out of the front door.

All I heard was a couple of yeah's before I walked out. I was just going to buy some eggs since it was my turn to make breakfast tomorrow You see me and all of the boys each have day we cook breakfast and on the weekends we go out and eat brunch. The boys and I live together in a pretty big house. Of course we all go on our solo things sometimes but now these 3 upcoming months we have all taken some time off so we can spend some time together.

It was about 07:30 pm when I arrived at the gas station, it isn't that far away, maybe a ten minutes drive.

I walked into the gas station and got the eggs, bought it and was about to walk out when I saw a little girl standing where the candy was. I didn't see any one that looked like her parents so I decided to walk up to her to make sure she was okay.

I poked a little gentle on her right shoulder, she turned around and I bent down to her level, she had beautiful eyes, blond hair and a couple of freckles. 

"Hello sweetie, are your parents here somewhere?" I spoke up, she thought for a second but said a little "no" finally. She looked too young to be here by herself. 

"What are you doing here all alone?"I asked waiting for an answer. 

"I'm on an adventure" She said, but this time she looked up at me and looked genuinely proud. 

"Oh that sounds fun, do you know where the adventure started? I think your parents are maybe a little worried" I tried to say but her head slowly got back down. 

"I don't have any parents, I'm from the Sunny Sunshine Adoption Center" She said fidgeting with her colorful bead bracelet. I felt kinda bad now that I said that. 

"I see, well I think they might be worried over there as well. I can take you there if you want. Do you have a bike or something since you have a helmet" I said looking at her pink glittery helmet. 

"No it's actually a skateboard" Wow she skateboarded, I can't even skateboard. 

"Wow, you have a skateboard, that's very cool"

Well I should probably ask her what her name is. "What's your name sweetheart?" I asked her with a smile. 

"My name is Penelope, and this is Elliot" She said holding up her little bunny. She was so cute. 

"Wow what a beautiful name" I said, it really had a nice ring to it. 

"What's yours?" She questioned looking up at me as I now stood up. 

"My name is Louis"

"Well, should we get going, they are probably worried sick" I said as I put out my hand for her to hold. 

"No thanky, I shouldn't even talk to strangers but you seem nice. I just don't want to take a risk, I'm sorry" She said. I couldn't blame her, pretty smart little girl. "No, no it's okay I understand"

We walked out of the gas station and she was right it stood a skateboard there, pink and everything. 

"Wow, that's a cool skateboard" I grinned.

 "Yeah I know, want to see skate?" The little girl asked excitedly. 

"Yeah yeah of course" I said trying to sound more interested then I was.

She sat her foot on it and started to push with the other one, she was actually pretty good. 

"Well done" I cheered and started to clap. 

"Thanky, thanky" She said mean while bowing, I loved how she said that with an y on the end.

She picked up the skateboard and started to walk. "Why aren't you skating?" I asked. 

"In that way it takes longer for me to get back" She murmured while looking down at the grown. 

"Now why do you want that?" I asked trying to tilt her head back up. 

"It's nothing about the place it's just that my best friend Gracie got adopted today, and now I'm all a-a-alone" She cried, she was crying now. Panic. Aaah what do I do?! 

"Oh darling c'here" I cooed as I dragged her to a park bench nearby.

"Here, you see you have Elliot, and me.... Yeah you have me. And I promise that you will find a new best friend very soon, okay?" I said really trying to make her feel better. 

"Yeah your probably right" She said as she wiped away a tear that was running down her cheek.

As we still sat on the bench I saw goosebumps growing on her bare legs. "Are you cold?" I asked. 

"Maybe a little" She answered rubbing her hands up and down her thighs. 

"Here we will tie my jacket around your waist." I said as we both stood up before I gave her my jacket. 

"There, it fits perfectly!" I said. The jacket was almost two laps around her. 

"Thanky" She said as we started to walk again.

"Now here we are, we just have to cross the street" She said as she pointed at the house. That meant that she had cross it herself on the way here. She could have seriously hurt herself. 

"You crossed the street all by yourself?!" I asked with probably panic in my voice. 

"Yeah...I'm not supposed to do that" She admitted guiltily. 

"Well now we can go together" I said as I let out my hand. But this time she took it. We walked up the stairs to the front door with Penelope still holding my hand.

"Are you ready?" I asked, looking down on the small little girl. 

"Yeah" She said sounding a little bit sad. 

"Okay, I'll knock then" I said as I laid three gentle knocks on the door.

I soon heard footsteps coming and then the door opened by a lady, maybe in her 30's. She sure looked worried.

"Oh Penelope, honey. Don't you ever do that again. You scared me" The woman panicked before sighing in relief. She walked to Penelope and hugged her. 

"I'm sorry.." Penelope said quietly still in that lady's hands.

"Oh thank you thank you, for bringing her here" the lady said now standing up, giving me eye contact. 

"Yeah yeah, no worries" I smiled. It felt pretty good to do something like that.

"Bye Louis" Penelope smiled as she waved to me with her little hand. 

"Bye sweetheart, hope I'll see you soon" I said with a chuckle.

That girl was really sweet, I just got to tell the boys.


A/N: OMG, today it's Harry.freaking.styles. birthday, He is turning 25! I repeat .25.

I hope you liked the chapter, leave a comment and vote please. 

Have a wonderful day

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