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I woke up in my bed, I looked out from the window and it was bright outside. I looked at the clock and saw that it was something with eight and I had already figured out that I had slept through the whole night and that it was morning. I still wore the gymnastic liatard which were a little itchy so I took it off and sat on the same pajamas that I wore yesterday.

I know I haven't eaten any dinner yet so I should probably be super hungry but really I'm not that hungry so instead of going down and eating breakfast I sat in front of my dollhouse that I actually never have played with, it was really pretty though with all the small decorations.


Me and the boys had already woken up but Penelope was still asleep even though she got to bed early. I'm surprised that she didn't wake up in the middle of the night but I guess she was just really tired.

"Should I go and wake up Penelope?" I asked. They looked with me with tired smiles and nods.

I walked up the stairs and stuck my head in Penelope's room, taking a look at the bed expecting her to lay there but she didn't. I looked around in the room and then I saw her back turned to me as she sat in front of her dollhouse making cute voices to the little dolls.

I gently knocked on her already opened door. She fast turned around with her hair that swung in the air as she did so, a big tangle noticiable in it might I add. 

"Hi sweetie, I didn't know you were up. Aren't you hungry?" I asked as she looked tired.

"A little, not that much" she said as she turned around to play with the dolls again.

I kind of understood that she was a lot more interested in the doll house then me talking boring stuff with her. So I walked over to the dollhouse and sat myself down beside her. I grabbed a doll that happened to be a girl.

"Penelope I would really like if you joined me down stairs to enjoy some really yummy breakfast" I said with a squeaky voice.

"Yes I would love to" she said as she started to laugh in the end.

"What?" I asked.

"Your voice just sounded so funny" she explained while laughing.

"Yeah yeah, let's go down and eat some breakfast you little hyena" I chuckled as she stood up but almost falling over because she was laughing so much.

"Do you want to ride on my shoulders or would you like to fall down in the staircase?" I asked which made her laugh even more so that was my answer.

I lifted her up upon my shoulders which she almost fell off since she was laughing so much, probably because she was overtired. I walked down the stairs with a laughing Penelope on my shoulders. I was forced to hold her extra tight so she wouldn't fall off of me.

She still laughed when we came downstairs to the kitchen where the other boys were at.

"You seem to have a happy morning" Louis noticed as he chuckled while he saw and heard Penelope coming into the kitchen.

"Yeah....Liam" she said before she just started to laughing again, so much so she couldn't speak.

I mean it wasn't that funny. But then again she has slept over 12 hours so she's probably over tired like shit.

"Now Liam I'm not sure of what she said, so could you maybe translate?" Niall asked as he almost started to laugh probably because Penelope's laugh was so contagious.

"Yeah well I came up to her room and saw that she was sitting at her doll house playing peacefully, I said good morning and all sorts and then I asked her if she was hungry and she said no so I did what everyone would have done; I walked over to the dollhouse and said that she was going to eat but in a funny voice mean while taking up a doll and she just thought that it was the funniest thing in the whole wide world, as you can see" I said as I sat Penelope down.

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