Chapter 32

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Our next two targets, Martino's Capos and underbosses were going to be attending a nightclub opening in London, and we decided to meet the rest of the crew there. Since I executed Jason, we'd have to speed up our plans while their organization was figuring out who their next leader will be. It worked in our benefit actually, and they froze all shipments until everything was sorted out. 

The soft hum of the planes engine filled the air in the quiet and empty first class cabin. I looked down at my blonde beauty in my arms, and couldn't help but smile. Ghost was nuzzled into my body, her head was leaning against my arm and a peaceful expression was painted across her flawless face.

I spent all night making love to her, making her scream my name over and over until she lost her voice and the sun came up. It was the most amazing night of my life, and I knew now that I would never willingly leave her side ever again. She was incredible, insatiable, and the passion and desire we shared last night consumed me in every possible way.

I kissed her forehead gently, making her stir slightly in her sleep. I slowly removed my arm from her grasp, making her frown in her sleep as she nuzzled into the seat instead. I smirked as I looked at how the sunlight caresses her skin and made her blonde hair glow. I grabbed my duffle bag from under the seat, and quickly walked to the bathroom. I locked the door, and quickly took out the tattered journal that was hidden underneath my clothes.

I adored this woman, and part of me wanted to give her the journal back and face the repercussions like a man. The internal torture I felt knowing that I'm intentionally breaking her trust is slowing killing me by the second. However, another part of me wanted to figure out what demons were lurking in her past. She was different than anyone who I've ever met before, and guarded her past and secrets from the world. I needed to find out everything I could about her. I needed to find out who put the love of my life through this unspeakable torment. I opened the journal softly as guilt flowed through my heart.

Day 602

One of the new recruits went crazy today. He attacked me in my sleep after he killed the rest of our roommates. I woke up to him strangling me. I thought I was going to die, and in all honesty, I couldn't but feel slightly... happy. I haven't felt anything in since they started the injections, but the thought of death made me almost want to smile. He woke 001 up with my yells, and she jumped out of bed and snapped his neck in front of me. She's gotten rather protective over me since she started talking to me. The guards heard the commotion, and dragged 001 and his lifeless body away.

Day 632

I've been getting new roommates everyday... everyone eventually dying during their sessions. 001 still hasn't come back, and I couldn't help but feel guilty at the fact that she could be dead because she saved me. If only I was strong, then I wouldn't need her to protect me... and my only friend would be here. The trainings were much harder now... and without her here helping me through them... I feel like I couldn't do it.... what are they doing to you 001?

Day 657

001 finally came back, and I felt something. I felt a sliver of happiness and despair as I watched them drag her limp and bloody body into the room. They threw her on the bed, and after they left, I ran over to her. She looked at me, and told me to go away, before rolling over on her side and going to sleep.

Day 690

The tests continued, and I'm glad that 001 still gave me pointers. It was always the same, I'd either get jumped, or told to kill or assassinate a target. She stopped talking to me as much, only responding with nods, and one word answers. She's always been an intense woman, but since she came back, she's been much more closed off than usual. We got a new roommate today 2742, and when they dragged her into the room, she killed one of the guards with her bare hands. I think I'm going to keep my distance from that one.

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