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Oh here's my favorite advice: characters.

Writing an erotic gay story you need the characters you're writing about and you can write the same old cliche.

But if you don't want to right the same old cliche. Here's what you must write about these kind of characters.

For example: Hanabishi Kumari walked across the hallway looking like an exotic blonde haired angel descending down from the heavens with a face of a beautiful maiden and the body of a African princess.

Another example: Behind those glasses, Junji Motohara is a man with the eyes of an alpha wolf and a gentle soul. But has a shattered heart.

Now that is what you describe about this characters when writing an erotic gay story. But don't steal mine because I need them for my next story that's coming soon.

Also you can use your favorite male anime characters but it must be erotic and if you call it smut or smutty. It doesn't considered as erotic and the word smut sounds too *shudders* porn like.

There I said it, I'm sorry okay, but the word smut it's just sounds too porn like when people said that word. It just doesn't have the pure emotions and sensuality when you read or write gay erotic stories.

It's just not right you know. Look, I know most of you love saying that word but prefer the word erotic instead all right.

Okay, I'm back now. As I was saying make the characters more sexy than the usual characters you portrayed them okay.

P.S. make them in their 18, 19, 20, or 30. And if you make the uke below the age of 18 and make the seme over 20 or 30 and more dark, heartless and/or abusive then you're in for a whole lot of hateful comments and negative reactions. Trust me, it's not pretty.

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