his brother is dirty

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hi guys this is my last chapter on this story, i will be doing oneshots after this.

from now on everything will be in zoe's p.o.v

uggh... i cant believe i got a blood nose! how embarressing!!!!

he probably thinks i am a complete cluts! uggh first i thought there was a bug on my face next thing i am staring at his fucking abs! i hate myself sometimes!

"are you alright clumsy?" brooks asked me with a smirk

"why do you keep calling me that?" i fume

that smirk gosh!

"i thought it was obvious" he says motioning to my blood nose and scraped knees.

i sigh internally of course!

" well my nose has stopped bleeding now and im all cleaned up so...you can have your shirt back i guess..." i say

"really? gee thanks...maybe you could help me with something though" he says before walking over to sit next to me

"really wha-" i begin before being interuppted when he smashes his lips into mine.

i push him away after a while,

" wha-what do ya think your doing!" i gasp

"once again clumsy. I thought it was obvious!" he says before smashing his lips onto mine again.

i cant say i was dissapointed though.

he starts putting his hands all over my body and then in my hair i follow his actions putting my hands in his hair and feeling his abs they felt even better than they looked i got really caught up in the moment when we were interrupted by laughing

"bahahaha- haha- im sorry- i thouigh-hahahahha- you -you...were innocent...hahahahahah" says a boy who looks a lot like brooks

"damn!" brooks mutters "damn it danny why do you have to be such a dick all the time, and connor i can see you too! ...and is that TRAVIS! AJ! JAKE!NATE! i can see you all!" he yells

"calm down brooks be nice to your big bro!" the one i think is danny says.

"are ya gonna fuck her? hahahahahahahaha" says the one i think is connor

they all laugh and brooks just glares, i cant help but smile

THE END!!!!!  i hope you liked if not....oh well hahaha comment vote ect. pm me or comment some one shot ideas :D

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