chapter 2~ she falls down a hill.

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dedicated to @Them5Guys

brooks' p.o.v

she is stunning i can't keep my eyes off her, and the best part is she doesnt seem to notice.

"well, since you and miss perkins get along sooo well i suppose you can give her a personal little tour" the instructor said grinning mischieviously " now get along you have an hour!"

i looked at zoe in what im sure looked like a seal who had been shot expression not attractive at all

and she just shrugged, got up and walked out the door like it was nothing, expecting me to follow.

20 minutes later...

we had almost finished the tour in what i assume to be record time, she hardly commented the whole time and the only near funny thing i have said is " this is the toilet, where you your ya'know buisness..." yeah real cool brooks

we were nearing the billy cart hill also known as "death drop", i told her trying to sound buff and strong but really deep down i was shit scared of the bloody thing.

"so.." she said hesitantly"when do i get to try this baby out?"

i gaped at her, her voice was so angelic and had caught me off guard.

"you, you what now?" i stuttered

"ya'know ride a billy cart down there" she explained

i mentally face palmed, of course thats what she meant, what was i gonna say now?

she looked at me nervously and blushed.

"we dont have too-" she started

"no, no its okay...-let me get the billy cart from over there...." i went to walk over to the billy cart shed when suddenly i tripped over my shadow and ....

Zoe's p.o.v

"well, since you and miss perkins get along sooo well i suppose you can give her a personal little tour" the instructor said grinning mischieviously " now get along you have an hour!"

brooks looked at me in a gorgeous dumbstruck expression which i wouldve loved to wipe off his face but i simply shrugged in what i hoped was a non-caring manner and walked out once again, rather ungraciously.

20 minutes later

we had gone almost around the whole campus where brooks, made a bit of a fool of himself, when we neared the toilets he said quite cleverly "

" this is the toilet, where you your ya'know buisness..." he looked stunned after saying that as if it had just fallen out i blushed again and looked away

we walked toward a hill he said was called death drop where the rode billy carts he seemed to be trying to show off.

"so.." i asked excitedly y"when do i get to try this baby out?"

he gaped at me like i was an alien and i found myself feeling almost offended.

"you, you what now?"  he stuttered

"ya'know ride a billy cart down there" I explained

i looked at him expectantly and he seemed nervous, i realized a little to late that he was nervous.

"we dont have too-" i started

"no, no its okay...-let me get the billy cart from over there...." he started toward what i assusmed was the shed they held the billycarts in when suddenly he slipped and slammed into my bidy, i tried to shove him off thinking he was making a move and suddnely we were falling he kept muttering "sorry" over and over again whilst i just screamed.

suddenly we came to a stop at the bottom of the hill him on top of me i started giggling uncontrollably like a maniac.

suddenly he leaned in toward my face and .....


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