Chapter 4

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~Katherine's POV~

It's morning as we get ready. I'm in my trainer outfit with my red and white hat on as I lean against the wall in Serena's room with Absol next to me as we wait for her as she tries on hats for her outfit. "How about this one?" She asks me as I see her wearing a white hat with a blue ribbon around it as I shake my head, "Nah." She looks in the mirror as she throws it on her bed with the others before going between two others, a nice pink one with a black ribbon, and an old worn out one with a white cotton ball on it. "I say go for the pink and black one." I say walking over towards her. We hear a knock on the door and while Serena's busy deciding on what hat to choose I open the door and met with Grace. "Are you going out?" She asks us as she leans against the door frame. "Hey, mom? Which one should I wear?" Serena asks her mom as I smirk, 'Doing the mom test now are we?' I think to myself as Grace points to the old dark color red hat with the white cotton ball on it, "I think I'd go with that." Serena looks at it before tossing it aside and putting the cuter hat on, "Okay. This one!" "If you already knew, why did you ask?" Grace asks confused and raising an eyebrow. I shake my head amused and nudge her. "Whichever one you didn't pick is the cuter one, that's why. Also Kat picked this one also." She responds as she places it on. "I see. So, where are you guys going?" She asks us getting back on topic. "Lumiose City! To see Professor Sycamore and get my very first Pokemon!" She exclaims excited as I whisper in her ear, "And to find your crush?" I ask raising an eyebrow in a teasing tone as she blushes and pushes me aside as I snicker, "Katherine!" She whines as I laugh.

We finally pack our bags, mine with camping supplies, food, Pokemon food, and water storage while Serena packs whatever she does in her bag. We head out of the front door as Absol walks next to me. "Rhyhorn! Got to go. Wish me luck." She says giggling as she pets Rhyhorn before leaving as we face her mom. "So, do you know which Pokemon you want?" Grace asks as she nods. "Which one?" She asks as Serena stands up with her hands behind her back, "It's a secret." as she quickly fixes her hat. I tie my hair in a ponytail as I place my hat back on as well before facing her mom, "She's in good hands." I say smiling as she smiles back before Serena grabs my hand, "We're off." She says as she starts running with my behind as I giggle amused, "Bye. Take care." Serena's mom calls after us, "Don't forget to practice you Rhyorn Racing!" "I won't, bye!" she says waving before continuing as I run beside her, "You're totally gonna forget, aren't ya?" I ask raising an eyebrow as Absol runs besides me as Serena smiles and I roll my eyes but smile anyway as we head to Lumiose City. After a bit of walking we end up in the forest, "Which way?" she asks me as I take the lead, "This way. Lumiose City isn't too far from here." I say as we walk in the forest passing by some wild Pokemon with Absol in the lead as we walk behind her taking in the view.

~Time skip to Professor Sychamore's~

We finally reach the lab as I have my hand to my chest where the Absolite is under my outfit as Absol stands next to me as I smile down at her and she nods back. Serena heads towards the door with us following as she opens the door and we enter. "Hello? Is Professor Sycamore around?" Serena asks as I close the door behind us and look around the messy lobby. I notice the Professor on the staircase smiling, "That's me. I'm up here." he says as he meets us at the bottom of the staircase. "Hi, Professor. It's good to see you again. How are you?" I ask him as he smiles, "I'm doing good, how about you Kathrine, Absol?" he says looking between us as I smile, "We're doing just fine. We actually stopped by with a friend of mine who needs her first Pokemon." I say bringing Serena besides me. "Professor Sycamore, this is Serena." I say as he smiles. "So here to become a Pokemon trainer." "Yep. Also, Professor, I saw this trainer on the news. The report was all about how he saved a Garchomp." Serena says speaking up. "Oh, you're talking about Ash. I'm afraid that he already left. He says that he was going to challenge the Santalune Gym." The Professor responds. "The Santalune Gym." Serena repeats thinking about it. "That was the first gym I battled." I said speaking up as Serena nods with determination in her eyes, 'Dang. She's determined to catch up with Ash, the love of her life, isn't she?' I think to myself as Absol just rubs against me as I smile and pet her.

"Professor, may I choose a Pokemon?" She asks. "Of course. And do you have any idea which Pokemon you'd like?" he asks. I nod my head, "She stayed up most of the night figuring out which one so I'm pretty sure she has an idea." I say smirking as she sticks her tongue out at me as I roll my eyes at her while we giggle as Professor Sychamore, chuckles, "All right. Everybody out!" he says towards the side where the three starter Pokemon come out, Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. "These are the Kalos Pokemon new trainers may choose from, Fennekin, Chespin, and Froakie. Which Pokemon will you choose as your partner?" he asks, Absol as I stand beside him as Serena steps forward and crouches down. "How's the mega evolution turning out?" he asks me in a low whisper. "Everything's fine and you're right. If the trainer and Pokemon have a strong enough bond and it's at the last stage, it can mega evolve with a stone to that Pokemon and one for the trainer. It takes a different form and has stronger power. Once the jobs done or it's exhausted it'll go back to it's original and last evolved form. Besides a bond though it also needs a Keystone and a Megastone." I responded back in a low tone as he nods taking note in some papers. "Don't worry. I'll keep you updated." I add as he nods smiling. "Before you make you final decision this is your Pokedex. Here." he says handing her the Pokedex. "That has all the information scientists have gathered on different Pokemon, specifically, Kalos Pokemon." I say giving some information as I pull out mine. "Just point it towards a Pokemon and it'll feed you information on them." I add as I put mine away. "Wow. Professor, thanks very much." She says awed until it beeps. "Huh? It's on!" "Right, if you point it, it'll search for it automatically. Why don't you test it out?" the Professor suggests as Serena does just that.

"Fennekin, the Fox Pokemon. Fennekin expels hot air that can reach nearly 400 degrees. It likes to snack on twigs." "Amazing! And you're next."

"Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokemon. Chespin can flex the soft spikes on its head, making them so stiff and sharp, they can even pierce through stone." "I get it. And finally......"

"Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokemon. From its chest and back, he create bubbles called Frubbles, which act as a cushion and soften the blow of an opponent's attack." "Interesting..."

"What about you're Absol, Kat?" Serena asks as I shrug, "You can do it if you want too."

"Absol, the Disaster Pokémon. When disasters are detected with its horn, Absol comes down from the mountains to warn people." "Woah." Serena says awed.

Before Serena could ask anything Professor Sycamore spoke up, "Like it?" as Serena nods, "Mmm-hmm." "Well then, go ahead and pick your partner." "Um, they're all so cute, but I already made up my mind." Serena says as I cut her off, "Like stayed up late at night choice." I say as she glares at me while I smirk back amused. Serena clears her throat before she continues, "You see, I already knew who I wanted before I left the house." She says as she walks forward and crouches in front of Fennekin. "Fennekin, I pick you. I'm Serena." she says greeting her new partner as Fennekin smiles, "Fenn!" Professor nods as he gets Fennekin's pokeball along with 5 other pokeballs and hands them to Serena, "You'll need these. A trainer is able to carry up to six Pokemon." the Professor states as she nods, "Ready to go, Fennekin?" Serena asks as she nods and Serena picks her up before heading towards the door, "Thank you very much, Professor Sychamore." she says as I smile and nod, "See you some other time." I say before we leave and walk around.

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