Chapter 2: Followed?

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I have Chapter 3 worked on, so here's Chapter 2!
(In advance, I apologize if the "glitchy" text annoys you, it annoys me as well. :( )



The building was either rather small, or the hallways were filled with lots of boxes. I have a feeling it's a bit of both. I take a slight step to the left so I don't trip on a large box as I make my way to the door at the end of the hallway.
My steps echo loudly throughout the corridor, almost as if there's more than one person here, and I have to stop and turn around. I see a slight movement, the color... Green? I stare a bit longer, and everything remains still. I shake off the feeling and continue towards the door.

I open the door carefully, trying not to make any more noise then I have already. Hearing a slight chuckle, I turn around again, this time seeing more of the figure that has apparently been following me.
 "HEllo?" I call out. "WHo's thERe?" I curse my glitchy voice, still trying to see the figure.
 The figure chuckles again, but from behind me this time. I turn back towards the door, and see a lit up stage. There are four lights, in the order of pink, yellow, blue, green. I stare, mesmerised, but quickly snap out of it.
 "WHEre aRe yOu?" I ask.
 "Who are you?" The figure replies.
I move to the sound of the voice, and see their green eyes glowing in the shadows, hidden in the corner of the room. The spotlights provided little help, the reflection of their shine only gave me little details about this figure. I relax my posture, realizing I was in an attack-like stance.
"I'm MaTpAt. NoW mAy I haVe tHe faVoR reTuRneD?" I stutter out, trying to form better words without glitching.
 The figure blinked. "MatPat? Now what kind of name is that?"
I stopped. That voice sounded familiar, but from where? My memory must be corrupted or something, but...I don't realize that I'm lost in thought until I feel the figure's hand on my shoulder. I jerk slightly, and the figure's hand shoots back.
"JaCk? I ask. The figure blinks again.
"Wait... Mat? MAT!" he screamed, jumping out of the shadows and hugging me as best he could. I stumble back slightly, surprised.
"You're here too?! Why? When? What happened to you?!" he started asking.
 I laugh as best I could, and hugged him back.
"It'S beEn a wHilE, bUt I'M hEre nOW, aRen'T I?" I say.
"God, man, your voice is horrible!" he chuckled. "Have you seen anyone else here?"
"GeE, tHAnkS," I said sarcastically. "BuT no, I hAvEn'T seeN anYone yeT. YoU wErE foLlOWinG mE, sO..."
"I've gotta get you to the others then!!" He said excitedly.
 "WaIt... OThErS?!"
"Yeah! Didn't you see the poster?" He then points to the poster on the wall, which depicted of 4 figures, each in a different color. It said under each figure one word, which wrote out "Celebrate, Play, Party, Laugh.".

 "Huh." I murmur, then realize my voice didn't glitch. I shrugged it off, thinking it was just one word, but then I tried saying a sentence while still muttering.
 "So.. can we go find those others?" I grin brightly. Jack shuddered, making me tilt my head. "What's wrong?" I asked in my lower voice.
"Your... face. You look like you've been scrapped, and it doesn't exactly look pretty when you smile." That made me frown.
Jack started stuttering out, "B-but that doesn't mean you shouldn't smile! I'd bet someone here's gonna fix you up!" That just made my frown deepen.
 This time, I meant to mutter. "No one's gonna repair me, Jack. I'm meant to be scrapped." Jack's usually cheerful face turned into one of horror.
He shrunk back slightly. "No... You're lying." He said in a small voice.
 "I wish I was. I overheard the people who brought me here. I'm meant to be used for parts.

I rather enjoyed introducing Jack, if I'm completely honest. 
I have a lot of plans for these characters, and the smallest event might prove significant in the later future. ;) 

Hope you all enjoyed! 

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