Chapter 4: Sleepy Head

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You go to your next class: reading/ELA. You groaned as you looked at your schedule. Why can't the school day be over already?

You went into your 3rd class and noticed the tired man from earlier. You sat by him and held back a laugh.

He finally looked up when class started and noticed you sitting across from him. He gave you a warm, gummy smile.

You smiled back and looked at the teacher at the front of the room, who was starting the lesson.

The man in front of you managed to stay awake. He was trying not to dose off and his eyes struggled to stay open.

The bell rang (after what felt like forever) and you decided to talk to the sleepy guy from earlier. You never did learn his name.

You ran up to him and said, "Hey, I'm Y/N. I wanted to say hi earlier, but I never got the chance to."

He smiled again and answered, "Hey, Y/N. I'm Yoongi."

You walked with him and saw Jin and Namjoon coming over. You decided to walk with all of them until the next class.

"Oh, I see that you've already met Jin and Yoongi," Namjoon stated as he approached you.

You smiled at him and nodded. 'Wow, you were never so quiet and shy before,' you though to yourself.

It was time for 4th period. You had social studies next. Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all had the class next too, so you wouldn't be alone.

You all walked into the social studies classroom and you sat next to the 3 men you had met so far.

It was nice to have some new...acquaintances. You weren't sure if you 4 were friends yet, but they all seemed pretty friendly.

You noticed a man smiling at you, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin from across the classroom. You didn't know what to do, so you just smiled back and waved awkwardly.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't be a silent reader. Please vote and comment. I'm thinking about writing a non-BTS related fanfiction soon.

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