Nearly Time For The Dates...

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A/N sorry about the crap spelling...i have a stupid keyboard.. chapter!

I soon woke up from a strange was about Kevin..his name sent shivers down my spine.I quickly shook the thought out of my head and went over to grab my phone.I went to my messages with Harry and started typing.

"Im awake,are you gonna tell me where we are going yet or are you just gonna leave me hangin'?  <3 <3 xx"

"Sleep well beautiful? <3 <3 xx"

"Harry...dont change the subject on me...<3 x"

"NO, im not telling you...see you later gorgeous <3 <3 xxxx"

"fine. <3 x"

Things were going pretty well,and i was exited ,but i needed the girls for fashion was now 4.30 pm and i needed all this time to get ready...URGENT PHONE CALL TO THE GIRLS! I grabbed my phone and started a group the girls picked up with "VAS HAPPENIN"

"Ladies...i need you home soon...we all need to get ready for our dates...mine is at 6.30..when are yours?"

"Emallie: Im with Niall OF COURSE at 7.00 but mine is tomorrow night."

"Ayprille: Im with Liam DUH at 8.00 ,were watching a movie after dinner "

"Breanna: Im with Zayn YAY at 6.00"

"Ellie: Im with Louis WOOOOH at 7.30..."

"me: so we're all at different times...but we need to get our butts ready home in 10 minutes ! "

Before i knew it the girls were all running through the door ,they all must have been down the street together...but they left me in bed...i need my sleep and they know it !

***Ellie's POV***

Tonight i had my date with Louis 7.30 he wont tell me where were going ...but i hope its a quiet place,so i can get to know him and he can get to know me ,after all,we have only seen each other once....Harry and Jaimie had fallen for each other pretty fast and were already going out OFFICIALLY...she moves quickly..I came running through the door along with the other girls,excet Ayprille she couldnt running cause of her belly hurt by the looks of it

"Jaimie...we're home! " Bree had an extremely loud voice and when she's excited,she uses it...she must be excited...Bythe lok on Jaimie's face,we had alot of work to d in a very short time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2012 ⏰

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