Creepy call

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I walked out into the clear room,free from smoke,i went and joined the girls who were enjoying their breakfast...the lovely ladies had already plated mine up...they saw the look on my face and emalie emediately asked what was wrong,i explained the whole story blah blah blah ,the end...

"Why would he send you that letter" poor Bree,she was so confused...but so was i,why would Evie betray me like that...then it came to my mind,she messaged me about a month ago with her number but nothing else,i just ignored it and kept going,thinking i would remember to go back to it later on but i never did...

I had to go and check it out...i seached her name on facebook ,"Evie Havannah" yep!  wrote down the number and went and got the phone..."GIRLS,COME HERE,WERE RINGING EVIE! " they were immediately by my side...

i dialed the number 998 56** (A/N i know thats not a real number but we have imaginations people ! ) it rung 3 times before a very tired puffed out girl answered the phone..."Hello,Evie,its me ,Jaimie,i need to ta-"

"JAIMIE ,HELP,HE'S HURT-" the noises through the phone were terrifying..."Hello jaimie" that voice sent shivvers done my spine,and i never ever wanted anyone else to hear it ever..."I have evie,and now i need your back young lady,you should've listened to me,and you SHOULD NOT have tld anyone what happened that day...i did tell you there would be consiquences!" the phoone hung up,i had tears in my eyes,i didnt even want to imagine what was happening to that poor inncoent girl...she didnt deserve anything from that evil man,no one did...

The girls started comforting me...Ayprille even brought me a hot chcolate with mini marshmallows on top...shes such a sweetheart...

*******EVIE'S POV*******

I answered the phone,desperate for it to be someone wh could help me,but it was Jaimie,Kevin had already split my lip and icked me in the stomach several times,but i wasnt giving up without a fight,i wasnt letting him get away with it...i didnt dare scream or complain,that would make him hapy,he wanted me hurt ...he's an evil man...just as Jaimie was about to finish her sentence,he grabbed my ponytail and yanked on it,i knew if he pulled any harder it would start to come out...he slaped me across the face 4 times ,i had had enough,i swung my elbow back and it hit him fair in the gut...but it wasnt over,i had to keep going while i had the energy..i kiked my leg bac in it rackedhim reight i the middle of the shin..he fell down in agony..."GO TO YOUR ROOM " he yelled..the doors were locked and he had the key,so there was no point in trying to rom wasnt even a was cement walls,with a creaky bed and an extremely thin matress ad a cople of blankets...i did have my phoe and facebook...Kein always cecked my phone and though he knew the password to my facebook...but i changed it...

i gotseveral slaps across the wrist with the cane for it and do every night for it,he said he would do it until i told him the password..but i refuse... now i was tired...he locked my doos and toldme to go to sleep...i didnt rgue,...i put my phone under my pillow and went to sleep...

****JAIMIE'S POV****

"SHOT ME OUT OF THE SKY,YOUR MY KRYPTONITE" phone started to was Harreh..


"Hey babey,you ready for our date tonight ? "

"Yeh ,but i need details"

" me out thefront at 6.30 pm,bring only yourself..."

"Where are we going ? "

"Im not telling"



"please !!! "

" no"...

"fine ! "



"love you"

"Love you too"

"i love you more Jaimie Savannah "

"No ,i love youmore Harry Edward "





"Ok,you win"...


"bYE Jaimie"

"Bye Harreh"

i hung up the hne and just as i put it down ,i got a text message...."I let you win! "

"You so did gona go have a you babe...<3<3 <3 <3 xx"

"Sleep tight sweetie...<3 <3 <3 <3 xx"

I got up and started to walk to my room...Emallie was down the street with Bree...Ellie was in the shower and Ayprille went to get her stomach eirced...she didnt want us girls not sure why...i layed on my bed and cloed my eye...before i knw it ,i was asleep...

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