Chapter 3

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Jaclyns pov

"But... Ughh I'm so confused!" I told Harry. He was trying to teach me how to use my Iphone, which by the way is very confusing. "How is it confusing? it simple you just have to press this and then this and that's it." 

"You know what we should do. We should make you a twitter." Liam said. "What is a Twitter?" I asked confused. "Its like a social networking site where you can talk to fans and people and do other stuff." He said. "Well okay lets make one."

"What do you want your name to be?" Liam asked. "Um... How about Jaclyn_Payne?" He smiled. "Perfect" He typed in a few other things. "Now lets take a picture." "I WANNA BE IN THE PICTURE!" Louis yelled. "Me too" said Harry.

"I don't think we can all fit" I said as all of the guys tried to squish into the picture. After taking the picture ten million times, We finally got one we all liked. I posted the picture. I looked at the picture and though, what a messed up family I have.

My phone beeped, it said I had five new followers. It was the boys of course. After they followed me I got a lot more fans. "Holy shit, you guys are popular." Liam looked at me. "Jaclyn language!" "Ohh sorry I mean, Shiz." I said smoothly. 


"Hey Jaclyn we have a interview today and you're coming with us, okay. Get ready." "Okay Liam" I yelled back.

I went to my room and I hopped into the shower. I hope I don't have to sit with them, I thought. I really don't wanna be on TV. I Got out and straightened my hair with the new straightener I had gotten yesterday.

I looked though my closet trying to decide on what to wear. I decided on some skinny jeans, a random shirt, and some high top converse. Style isn't really my specialty, if you haven't noticed. 

I walked into the living room and all the guys are sitting on the couch watching TV. "Okay guys im done." "Okay, lets get going we cant be late again or Paul's gonna kill us." 

We arrived at the place where the interview was and we all got out of the car. "Jaclyn, we have to go to hair and makeup so you can just sit here, okay." Liam said pointing to the couch."Okay"

I plopped down on the couch pulled out my phone and started to play Temple run.

"NO STUPID MAN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO JUMP!" I yelled at my phone. I got wierd looks from people passing by. What you looking at just a girl yelling her phone, got a problem with that? I thought. 


"Hello people of london we have some special guest today... One Direction!" The interview lady said as the guys walked out on stage.

I pretty much zoned out for the whole interview until I heard her say "So we have pictures of you with a young girl, care to explain." "Well we adopted her. Shes like our daughter/ little sister." Louis explained. "Would you like to meet her? She is backstage." 

No Lou! Why did you have to say that. maybe I could hide, perfect idea. I started to look around for hiding placed when I heard Lou walking to me. I quickly slid under the table, out of sight. May be a horrible hiding space but better than nothing, right? 

"Jaclyn where are you? Louis asked. I saw his footsteps wander to the table. Please don't look under the tablecloth, I thought. His hands lifted up the tablecloth "Really that's the best you could do. Hide under a table." Louis said smirking.

He threw me over his shoulder, effortlessly. "Put me down! I don't wanna go out there I'll make a fool out of myself." I said pounding on his back with my fists. "Sorry, no can do." "I hate you." I told him "And I LOVEEE you."

I stopped pounding on his back but he didnt put me down. He carried me to the couch where the other guys were sitting and placed me right between Liam and Him. 

"So Jaclyn Whats it life living with One Direction?" The interviewer asked me. Don't make a fool of yourself, I said to myself. "Their just like normal people really, except a little crazier." I smiled. That answer wasn't too bad, I though.

She asked me some other questions to the boys and me, but mostly the boys. Soon we were finally done. Louis drove us back to the flats.

I went to my room and logged onto twitter. I looked at some of the mentions and some were good but a lot were horrible.

@IN_1DERLAND: @Jaclyn_Payne Your sooo LUCKY you get to live with one direction!!! Your pretty.

That was one of the good ones.

@Five_Sex_Gods: @Jaclyn_Payne  Who are you look like a slut. Your not even that pretty and your fat. Why did they choose you?

@1d_is_amazayn: @Jaclyn_Payne Ewwwww look at her face why did they choose her. The should send her back to the orphanage.

Those were some of the bad ones. I felt tears start streaming down my face and I slammed the computer shut. 

I knew I wasn't pretty but I didn't think I was fat.  I guess I could lose a few pounds. I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror. "Jaclyn, lunch is ready." Liam yelled probably from the kitchen. "I'm not hungry."


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