You and your bias

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It was a beautiful day. The wind blew through my hair and honestly I felt like I was in a nice warm place instead of it front of this death trap that's known as school. (Your bias name) was standing by the door way fiddling with his phone while looking up ever so often to make eye contact with his friend, Kyle. He just looked so handsome standing there in his school uniform.

"Y/N!!!" I heard. I turned quickly and seen my friend Taeyeon running towards me. I laughed, this dork was always late as usual but at least she made the effort to brush her hair today.

"And what's your story today?" I asked crossing my arms as she approached me taking in huge exhales and inhales. You swear to god she just ran a marathon of something....not just ran like what, 2 blocks.

"Will, I woke up and decided to do my hair. I had no clue what to do with it so I spent at least a hour at it, than I had to eat and wash my face. Chingu I had to run.....I hate to run" she said finally calming her breathing

I laughed and patted her on the back "I know, I know. At least you tired today! Hey look on the bright side, I heard Baekhyun had a thing for you" I said with a smile.

"B-baekhyun?" She asked. Her mouth dropped to form a O. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"I would close my mouth before people start staring Tae" I said placing my hand under her chin.

She shook her head and jumped a bit like she was slapped back into the real world. "Are you serious? Baekhyun?" She asked smiling like a idiot.

I nodded my head "he's talking with (insert bias name) and Kyle." I pointed to the doors, Baekhyun just appeared pulling the ear buds out of his ears.

"He looks so perfect" she said hugging her self while rocking back and forth.

"You should talk to him" I said looking towards her with a evil grin.

Her eyes shot open and she snapped her neck towards me "No!" She said suddenly filling with worry.

"Would you like me to talk to him?" I asked looking back towards the small group of boys.

"N-no, I will talk to him myself. But if I talk to him you have to talk to (insert bias name)" she said pointing to me.

I bit down on my lip so hard it felt like I drew blood but nothing came out. "What does this have to do with you and Baekhyun? I don't even like (insert bias name)."

She laughed historically "oh of course you don't. You should tell that to your diary!" She said holding her sides from laughing so hard. I looked down at the ground, I felt a cloud of darkness cloud over my head.

"Fine fine, ill go talk to him burning study period" I said picking my bag up from the ground as the bell rang.

She nodded "you better. I'll be watching" she said hitting her fingers together like a evil character in a movie or cartoon.

I pouted and got lost into that huge crowd of people until I couldn't see Taeyeon anymore. Taeyeon never jokes around so I know this is true. When lunch comes I have to come face to face with the love of my life and tell him how I feel........but what if he doesn't love me back?! What if I will be friend zoned for the rest of my life? What if I'm forever alone with like thirty cats with no expectations in life besides lazily lying on the couch. I was being over dramatic I will be fine just as long as I don't look him directly in his eyes. Or should I do that? Is that to creepy? Am I to creepy for him? I couldn't just come to him like some psycho pervert. I hit my head several times on my locker.

"Noona, if you keep doing'll get brain damage" my other friend Jungkook said as he approached me.

"Jungkook I am so glad you here I'm in trouble" I said pouting as I looked at him.

He furrowed his eye brows. "Trouble, what kind of trouble noona?"

"I told Taeyeon she had to talk to Baekhyun and now I have to talk to (insert bias name)" I said and begun to fake cry.

"You're looking at this to negativity. Everything will be fine if you just tell hyung how you feel" Jungkook said holding his text books tighter to his chest.

"I guess your right. I have class, see you later" I said groggily taking my books and closing my locker.

He waved giving me a smile of comfort. period came early. I felt like I was shaking as I walked into the library, I spotted him out of the corner of my eye making my feet slowly walk towards him.

"C-can I sit here?" I asked putting my index finger on the top if the chair?

He nodded and smile at me brightly. I wish he didn't do that, he seriously was to perfect for his own good.

"(Insert bias name), c-can I tell you something?" I asked looking up at him as I sat down.

"Hmm, what is it?" He asked closing his book his full attention on me.

"Oppa........I-I like you" I said looking down my face turning red.

I seen him smile widely as he lifted up my chin with his hand. He looked at me for a long while before planting a kiss on my lips.

"I like you to" he said smiling



I hope you enjoyed this. Please look past my shitty grammar I know it's terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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