diezzle's b-day

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Happy birthday bro! I said while chewing gum  so I get to hang out in high school yay he said cheerfully  Gavin and coco said hi diezzle diezzle said hello brats  he said after chuckles coco said I'm not a brat brat!!!!! She yelled diezzle said shut the hell up!!!! Its my birthday brat!!  Coco said u not gonna do anything  txu!! I said nah  I was see Haley was walking to us Gavin and her pecked Haley said why hello there Mr diezzle I'm Haley me and piper and diezzle we said hello bitch. Jk sorry not Haley said ugh ugh  I thought u were nice  I hate u diezzle just BC of first im pression  sorry ms but I pretty sure in one minute is my birthday deizzel said and he also said dads gonna drive the Ferrari to come pick us up in an 1hour and a half I said you have Mr Caseu and ms aleno he said yep I got a text in a group chat that has me piper Haley   Gavin and diezzel

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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