1. New School

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Last day of freshman year (grade9):

" Saaarraaa!!! Finally last day of school!! Are you exited or what?! " My best friend Mary said in a very cheerful way. I feel bad for what I am about to tell her; she will be devastated. Damn it why do I have to... Well here goes nothing.

" yeah, about that... "

" What?? What is wrong why aren't you ecstatic that summer is finally here? "

" Well, if you just shut up and give me a chance to talk I will tell you what is wrong "

" Okay, go ahead. "

" I am transferring schools... "

" Wait, wait. What?? You have got to be kidding me Sara!! what the hell "

" Listen I am sorry, it is out of my hand; my mom doesn't like this school specially since everyone knows me as the trouble maker and she gets called to come to school a lot so she thinks it'll be better if I changed schools and started from scratch "

" What about me Sara?! You are leaving me here alone with all the b!tches "

" I'm sorry so please don't make me feel worse than I already do. I promise you that we won't drift apart, our friendship will remain the same.  "

" I hate you, you know. "

" yeah, I love you too. "

" Remember the promise you just did Sara cause if you broke it I will send killers after you. "

" yeah, I know you will "

" Well at least maybe there will be hot boys there. "

" Hahahahaha I wish even though I doubt cause the new school is not mixed so guys alone and girls alone but the busses are mixed though so let's hope for the best "

" So are you really gonna try not be the trouble maker in the new school?? "

" You already know that I don't look for trouble, trouble finds me, but yeah I will try cause to be honest I am sick of being known as the tough girl, I am sick of people treating me differently cause they are scared of me, I am sick of people trying to be my friends so that they will gain popularity. Heck I don't know who my real friends anymore. "

" True, you do attract trouble. Just don't change who you are. please remain the same person from inside even if you will be a goody goody shoes, even though I doubt that you will be able to stay out of trouble, make sure you remain the same person no matter what. "

" Don't worry I won't change. I can't change even if I want to"

Mary just hugged me so tightly and shed some tears. I feel really bad for leaving her cause even though she is also popular but her I were inseparable we were glued at the hip, we were always together, I was there for her and she was here for me; she is the sister that my mom never gave birth to and even though we are still gonna be together I know that it will never be the same, it feels weird knowing that I won't see her daily anymore. I just hope that I won't be replaced like my old best friend replaced me.

First Day of Sophomore Year (Grade 10) :

I woke up at 6AM and did my daily morning routine and dressed in a red and white striped shirt (Louis Tomlinson's style) and a pair of fit black and a black converse, if you haven't noticed yet I am a bit of a tomboy well atleast that is what everyone tells me but I guess they got that inpression from the way I act and the way I dress and the fact that I dislike make-up and never wear it and also because I am a football player well damn that is very tomboyish if that is even a word. Anywaaaay back to reality, saying I feel nervous is an underestimate, Butterflies are attacking my stomach and I feel like throwing up, I just wanna hit my head in the wall so maybe I'll get a concussion and I won't have to go. Atleast I am not going alone a close friend of mine named Darcy is also gonna come with me. Being known as the two new kids is better that being the lone wolf better aye?

" Sara come on I am leaving now " My father yelled at me since he is the one dropping me off today till I know what bus will I be in." I am coming " I yelled back.

After almost fifteen minutes we reached school, this school is huge and has too many building. Shiiiit, I am sure I will get lost in it for the first week or so; at least in this school we have our own classes not the teachers have classes and we have to keep moving all day. Yeah you heard me right the teachers come to us we don't go to them wanna know why? cause we are bosses that's why. Just kidding it is the school's rules so the studens won't wander around the halls and it will be harder to skip like that, or so they think...

I called Darcy to see if she came yet, she answered frantically and told me that she is waiting for me by the gate so that she won't get lost alone.

We went to the front office to see what class are we in and gladly we were both in the same class. If you were wondering yes we did get lost but we reached the class in the end. Each class consists of almost twenty girls.

Darcy sat quitly in the corner of the classroom while I sat with my legs up on the table next to her, guess my trouble maker habit is showing. Everyone was talking to someone since they already knew each others for years now while Darcy and I talked a bit quitly. None of our classmates were kind enough to come and introduce themselves, actually two girls came and asked for our names we told them and just when I was about to ask them for they names they were already gone.

In the opposite corner was a girl who had her head on the desk and was literally trying to disapear, she was really pretty with long light brown hair and a pale skin that showed that she haven't tanned in the summer she looked super shy yet kind, I bet she is new too; being the friendly person I am I went to talk to her she told me her name was Eleanor. I invited her to sit with us and she did yet she remained quite calm. I turned behind me and saw another girl I asked her what her name was and she said Jessie this was her second year in this school yet she only had one friend and they were quite isolated from the rest of the class she was also quiet but she had a fun and hyper vibe around her which I am sure she will reveal when we get to know each other.

That day was really boring and the teachers just introduced themselves to us. I made no friends except for Eleanor and Jessie yet I wouldn't really call them friends cause I don't know them yet for they stayed quiet all day.

It was home time finaaaallyyy!!! I still had to see what bus I am in. That damn school has almost ninety busses how the hell am I gonna find my bus. I just kept asking the drivers for my bus number and where was it till I found my bus.

I sat in front next to the window and the door was on my right on the other side. I put my hedphones in and listened to Counting Stars by One Republic till I heard some noise I shut the music and looked towards the door and there was a boy that looked my age; he looked very handsome but i don't go crazy over boys he was very tall and fit he had muscles but not too much he also had a pair of bright emerald eyes and a mop of curly hair that was styled in a quiff. A girl was sitting next to me, which I found out later was his sister, so he sat next to her.

When I reached home I really didn't think that much of him after all he was just a guy that looked good.

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