Chapter 3

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We pull up in the jeep to a side entrance of the zoo. It seems like the place where they would transport animals from one zoo to the next. The road leading up here was hidden rather well and there is also a gate for further security.

Billy put the jeep in park and extended his arm out in front of him in a sweeping gesture, presenting the large building before us.

"This, m'lady, is the gorgeous Australia zoo."

I suck in a breathe and try to take in every detail of the exterior walls. Despite this being a closed off and private parking lot, there are still plenty of people bustling around. Not wanting to miss anything, I unbuckle and scramble out of the car. Billy laughs and exits his side as well, walking around the car to stand behind me.

"What do you think?"

I whip around to see him, a wide grin plastered across my face. He smirks in response to my excitement.

"Well," I gasp. "This is absolutely perfect. I am beyond excited, and I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. I guess... it didn't hit me until now that I get to work here. In this zoo. It's surreal."

We both look at each other in mutual excitement until a sweet sounding voice rings out from behind me.

I spin around once the words "Ah, you must be Ms. L/N." were uttered.

My mouth widened, jaw dropping, as I realized who was before me. None other than Bindi Irwin. My head bobs up and down, as I'm too shocked to try and form words. I knew I would be working for australia zoo, but I didn't know that I would get to meet any members of the Irwin family. Sure, they owned the zoo, but there were other workers here as well, who were less busy and could take the time out of their day to train me.

"My mother told me to come collect you. I'm Bindi Irwin," she adds, smiling widely. I nod. "Great. Well, follow me then and we'll chat on the way."

It took me a second to respond, but I managed to choke out an "Okay," before taking a step towards Bindi, standing next to her.

"Billy, would you please take her bags to the house?"

Billy stood with a skeptic look on his face. "Bring them to... your house?" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, back up the road that we had come down.

"That's right," she assured him, then turned to address me. "I hope you don't mind. We have a guest bedroom, and considering crocodiles are our whole 'thing', we decided that it would make the most sense to house you and make sure everything is going according to plan."

"That sounds wonderful actually. Now, um, I knew I was photographing crocodiles, but... I'm still confused as to why?"

"Right. On then. My mum knows more details than I do. Besides she was always better at explaining."

We marched forward, entering the zoo through a grey door. I had so many questions, but didn't want to come off as pushy. I held my tongue for the first minute of walking, instead opting to observe the many different animal enclosures, until I just couldn't bear keeping quiet.

"So, Bindi," I broach, trying to sound casual. "You've been working at the zoo for a rather long time now, huh?"

"Oh, I'd definitely say so."

"Well, what's your favorite part about working here?"

"Umm... I absolutely love the animals. And it's fulfilling to know that we are keeping my father's legacy alive."

I hum in response, and an impatient bounce shows up in my steps as we walk. I need to know what I get to do with this job, now.

I envision myself squatting low to the ground, holding a beautiful waterproof camera. A crocodile is but fifteen feet away from me, and its strong jaw is open wide. Before the crocodile has even registered that I am there, I snap 6 pictures, and scurry to find another angle.

Snapping at CrocsWhere stories live. Discover now