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I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you  


Im going back to university today,will you be there ?,

will you look different?,

will you recognise me or just keep passing by,

will you....come back to me?


I walked in looking around for you,but didnt find you,I decided to just stop for now and went to get my stuff and meet with our friends.I walked at the garden of the school and went at the back where most of the trees are seeing them already there waving at me,i sadly smiled as there is that small bubbly figure missing,you would have ran and jumped on all of them and gave them a bone crushing hug making my tongue go to the left side of my cheek,and once you would have noticed me would come back and jump on my back and ruffle my hair making me forget all the worries.

"How you doin bud" Yoongi hyung patted my back as i gave them a fake smile and sat down next to them."doesnt seem the same huh...." tae hyung said as looked at the sky."dont worry kook,we'll get him back" Hobi hyung said as u silently nodded.

After a few moments of silence the bell rang signalling that school has finally started and everyone should start parting ways and go to his class.I bid the hyungs goodbye and made my way to my locker,as i closed it,i saw a figure,small,pink hair,brown eyes,chubby hands,plump lips,......my mochi.

You came running with your arms wide open ready to hug someone,i expected them to be for me,but as fast as you made your way through those doors,you made your way past me and into someone elses arms.



As much as its clear that you have forgotten all the love for me,i cant force myself to stop loving you....but ask me why do i keep loving you,when all you are going to give me....is just pain

Hurts Like Hell ~ A Jikook FanficWhere stories live. Discover now