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I loved, and I loved and I lost you
I loved, and I loved and I lost you  


Jimin's POV

I want to meet him again,

is it weird to say that it feels like i need to see him again,

i dont understnd why,

after yesterday i just know that we have met before 

 and im intended to find out from where,

I made my way to school,as i was walking the street,there is  a familiar figure,is that you?I walked faster and placed my hand on your shoulder as i turned you around,You seemed shocked at first but than your expression softened as you looked at me.

"Hi" He said as he smiled."Hi sorry to scare you,its just i wanted to talk to you today" I said as i took my hand off his shoulders."mhm about what" He said smirking.

"can i come to your house today and um..I-...help me with the routine again"I said,i hope he buys it."I'll buy it,just because i know you are really bad at lying wait for me at the gates after school"He said as he started walking."wait.. how did you kno-..YAH COME BACK"


School has finished,i made my way to the gates and saw taemin."TAEMIN" i yelled as i ran and jumped on his back.


"Oki mochi what are you going to do to hide the ring to surprise the hyungs?" A deep yet soothing voice said.I looked at my ring and smiled than jumped on the persons back,he was tall dark chocolate hair.

"I'll just stay like this" I said as i looked around,is it the school?

The person was turning around this could be my chance i can see who he is-

FlashBack ends

"yah jimin you oki?" Taemin said as i blinked twice and looked back at him and smiled back."Sorry taemin hyung i felt a bit tired and zoned out"

"awe thats oki,want to come at my house,my parents are out today and maybe you could sleep in"He said as he cupped my jaw and kissed me.After a few seconds of kissing we were startled by someone clearing his throat loudly.I backed away and looked at the person.

"Oh hi jungkook shi" I smiled as i looked at him,he clenched his hand that was around his bag strap."You ready to go" He said,he sounded ....mad?

"who's this jiminie" Taemin said as he wrapped his arms around my waist,from the corner of my eye i could see jungkook tense,so i went beside jungkook and introduced them.

"sorry taemin hyung but i have plans with jungkookie,he's going to teach me his dance routine,can we meet tomorrow" I said as i pecked his cheek and hugged him ,he smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"sure shorty,see ya later" He said as his figure slowly disappearing in the distance.


My love....

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